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Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Tend?

Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.

Some weeks I answer her prompt, and some weeks I don’t quite get to it.  On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.

So here’s to my Wishcast for April 20, 2011 ~

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Tend?

Another busy morning.  Not hectic, just so many wonderful things I want to get to, and hardly have time.  I read the prompt and knew I wanted to write about the many things I’m tending, but needed to get outside for a few minutes of fresh air and grounding before I headed to work.  I decided I might skip Wishcasting today.

  • I walked outside and stepped off of the deck.
  • I looked down and saw a tag from one of my paintings, nestled in the Hostas.  The tag had apparently gotten whisked away during the storms this weekend.  It said “Wishcasting ~ Jane Rochelle ~ $225”.  I picked it up, chuckled to myself, and said “Okay, okay.”
  • When I finished grounding, I came in and started writing.  Some messages are just too clear to ignore.

So … good morning, beautifuls!

I’m tending so much ~ perhaps it can best be summed up this way.

My neighbors, Liz and Lisa, and I are planting an organic garden for the summer.  Just this morning I was working on some of the details before I got out of bed.  (Love working out details while I’m in bed … I get to be lazy, without the guilt)

My wish is for our garden.  As I wish for our garden, so I wish for each of us.  I wish that we ~

  • celebrate the miracle of growth, as we learn that we are all connected
  • protect our plants from hungry visitors, as we learn to protect ourselves from things that deplete us
  • spend time together, chatting, or in silence, as we  learn the value of friendships and community
  • hold squirmy worms in our hands and learn to embrace this spectacular and unpredictable journey
  • stand in the morning dew, and again in the evening sunlight, and learn that we have all that we need
  • watch the bluebirds swoop to their house on the fencepost, listen to the chattering wrens, and learn that all is well
  • harvest our vegetables, allow the tomato juice to run down our chin, and learn that the time and effort we give to our garden, our community, and ultimately to ourselves, is an investment in our own happiness and wellbeing ~ the sweet juice of life.

So, what do you wish to tend?  As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

Affirm my wish, and leave your own wish in the comments …who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.

Thanks, jooliargh, for the perfect picture!  This week, I used a different Wishcasting picture, especially for my mom … love you mom!


  1. Liz Gomes Liz Gomes

    Jane-What beautiful thoughts pertaining to our garden!!! I too have been dreaming about a wonderful organic garden to feed both body and soul, especially after going to the Piedmont Farm Tour Sunday. Met some down to earth people who really “get it”.
    These hectic days in our everyday life just fizzle away when we work in the dirt! My wish is that we can all find a way- be it a garden or some other love that we are passionate about, that transcends us into a beautiful peaceful place for even a short time!

  2. JIM JIM

    Farmers get up early. Don’t have time to lay in bed and do lazy dreaming. How big of a John Deere tractor are you ladies buying for your garden/farm. It’s time to get the onions in the ground. Sounds like a great project. Good luck and always work barefooted in the garden.

    • Oh Dad! You are making me laugh! If I don’t do lazy dreaming, I’ll never get anywhere … and by the way, I’ve heard of a 30 foot John Deere that might do the trick!

      Never fear, I will garden barefooted!!
      ps, You didn’t make a wish!

      I love you!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

    • Some signs just can’t be ignored. I had a session of EFT on Monday afternoon, and since then synchronicity has been rocking my world! (and you know I don’t say things like “rocking my world” lightly) :)

      It’s unbelievable!
      Happy, happy birthday to hubs, and a fun and relaxing trip to you, dear Tess. As you wish for yourself, and your trip, so I wholeheartedly wish for you as well.

      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

  3. I used to love growing my own fruits & vegetables, and designing my garden.
    I understand the immense pleasure and satisfaction it brings.
    As you wish for yourself Jane Rochelle, so do I wish for you as well.
    Erin Richardson recently posted..Wishcasting- What Do You Wish To Tend

    • I have to admit that I’ve never had much of a green thumb … but I love the idea, and the process, so am so excited about this garden! Somehow, I’m most excited about being present-enough to just gently flick beetles from the leaves, and watch the spiderwebs in the morning dew. Time, and nature, and a really good reason to stand in my yard, with no shoes on, anytime I want to. :) Thank you for stopping by, Erin, and thank you for the wish.
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

  4. I love it when the Universe provides us the prompting we need. I love it even better when I have the vision to listen…I’m glad you did because I get a chance to read what you have to say. Thank you.

    As Jane wishes for herself, I truly wish for her.
    Ceanne recently posted..Wishcast Wednesday – What do you wish to tend

    • Awww, Ceanne, thank so much for your sweet words, and for stopping by teenytinypieces today. I love Wednesdays, because I love hearing from, and having a chance to write to each of you. My weeks are crammed these days, and this is such a gift. So glad the universe stopped me in my busy little tracks this morning. :)

      Thank you for the wish ~ have a beautiful week!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

  5. I’m so glad the universe told you to participate today as I loved your post. As you wish for yourself (and your garden), so I wish for you also.
    Mare recently posted..there are things that need tending to

  6. Jane,
    I love the way you’ve described your garden! There’s nothing like fresh vegetables and herbs that you’ve grown yourself. Tending to growing things is so wonderful and grounding. I think you and your two neighbors are going to have an amazing summer.
    Angela Artemis recently posted..Life is Not A Race – Go At Your Own Pace

    • Angela, I can’t wait to touch and smell the things that grow. I can’t wait to feel their warm leaves after a day in the sunshine. I can’t wait to curl up in the corner of the garden as I wait for the sun to set, and count the stars as they begin to peek out in the evening. Thank you for your many gifts ~ so grateful that you’re part of my journey ~
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

  7. Hahaha, that’s great! Dont ya just love when we get such clear signs? And such a lovely post that needed to be written! I think your garden is going to grow some beautiful things!
    Shari recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday with Jamie Ridler

    • I really do … I LOVE signs that just make me laugh out loud, and shake my head in wonder! … and then, at the same time, I think to myself, “I’m not really not surprised … this is an amazing journey, and hardly anything surprises me anymore…” I just love to embrace each precious gift.

      Wish I could invite all the Wishcasters to a garden party … hey, now there’s an idea! :)

      with Wishcasting love,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Tend

    • Hi Paula! So happy to see you tonight! Thanks for stopping by, and leaving a wish for me!

      Have a beautiful week!

  8. Ah, Jane…. FEELING YOU so much on this wish! As you know, I just finished planting my own organic garden, just this past weekend…and I definitely held a few squirmy worms in my hands, with gratitude, while the birdies were tweeting away! (I have a couple of feeders around the back yard, so they love to swoop in on me, when I’m not looking! Especially the hummers!! LOL)

    As you wish for yourself, beautiful Goddess Woman, I wish for you as well! You are such an inspiration!
    Grace recently posted..Life in the Key of “G”

    • Hi Grace ~ it’s beautiful to see you! Last night when I was out on the deck I saw the first hummingbird of the summer! Felt so good ~

      The amount of energy and degree of excitement this garden project brings is amazing! Gives me a great excuse to stay outside until the sun goes down! :)

      Thank you for the sweet words and the wishes ~ LOVE this circle ~ and all that it gives to each of us.

      Wishcasting love ~ Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Is Something Prickly In Your Way Take Time To Clear Your Path

    • Hi Karen ~ thanks so much for stopping by. One thing I love is that the more we nurture something … anything … the more we receive and the more we have to give to others. Squealing as I hold an earthworm in my hand will change my life … somewhere, somehow it will make me a changed, more powerful, more kind person … LOVE this journey!

      Have a beautiful weekend!
      With Wishcasting love,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Is Something Prickly In Your Way Take Time To Clear Your Path

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