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Month: April 2010

Update on My 30 Notes in 30 Days Project

15 Days ago I challenged myself to write 30 Notes in 30 Days.  Now that I am halfway through the project, I thought I’d post an update, just to let you know how it’s going.

So-far I’ve written 14 notes. We had a very busy weekend and I fell behind a little.  Tonight I did my catching up at a coffee shop, but didn’t have enough cards with me to completely catch up, so I’m still one short.  Tomorrow, I’ll write two.

This has been my experience so-far….

1.  I love writing the notes, and am really happy that I started this project.

2. I try to keep a few blank notes with me all the time…some in my purse, some on my desk at home, etc.   Good habit to always keep one with you.  You never know when you might need it.

3. Sitting down with a pen and a note card, with a specific person in mind brings a level of intention that I hadn’t expected, and don’t experience with email or other online communications. It feels great to think about what I’ll write.  Good memories, and things I’ve been wanting to tell each person, come rushing in.  It’s a nice feeling.

4. Giving myself permission to write more than one note a day and to pre-address (and pre-stamp) envelopes were project-savers! Also, I’ve been surprisingly alright with emailing someone and asking for their mailing address.  Not sure Emily Post would agree, but I think she’s dead, so it’s ok.

5. Writing in a relaxed setting is more enjoyable. Attempting to write authentically on my lunch break feels a little forced sometimes.  I do it some, but prefer a more Louisa May Alcott-ish setting; snacking on a fresh orange while birds are singing outside the open window, gentle breeze, or maybe a candle burning late into the night.  Oh, that wasn’t Louisa May Alcott?  It was Winona Ryder?  Well still, I loved that movie, and that’s how I love to write.

6. I’m really happy with myself for writing to people that I’ve been meaning to contact for months. Sending a note relieves me of that feeling of guilt.  How many times have you said to yourself  “Gosh, I really need to let her know I’m thinking of her….”

7.  If you remember in my original post, my biggest obstacle was addressing the envelopes. I smile every time I address (or pre-address) an envelope, and then AGAIN when I seal it!  I might even do a little wiggle in my chair at that point.  Guess what.   I smile a third time when I drop each note into the mailbox.  What’s not to like about three smiles?

Those of you who’ve said you might try writing more notes…I think you should.   Maybe you could try committing to one week, or 10 days.  Make a list right now of 5 people you’d like to contact, just to say hi, or thank you, or I love you. I’m due to finish in mid-April…so join me for 15 days of notes, and we’ll finish up together.

Take good care,
p.s.  Thanks to Lode at and Leo at for inspiring me to set my goal of 30 Notes in 30 Days.  Thanks guys…you’re the best!

See the guidelines that helped me through the first 15 days at  “My 30 Notes in 30 Days Project”