Last updated on 11/02/2010
Just when we think we’re accomplishing all that we should, taking care of business, being strong and resourceful…from out of nowhere, weariness can show up. It taps at our back door and it won’t go away.
We tire of waiting, of working, of trying to figure things out. Sometimes the road just feels too long, and we’re not sure where the energy or the motivation will come from to take even one more step forward.
Be gentle. Take good care ~ Just as you would with a weary child.
- Sleep when you need to. Many of us have come to believe that sleeping during the day means laziness. It isn’t true. Your body will ask for rest when it needs it. Listen.
- Eat good food. Nutritious food restores our body. Food of poor nutritional content taxes our body, causes our endocrine system and organs to work overtime when they’re already tired. Be good to your body. Drink water. Eat nutritious food.
- Find nature. Sit in the woods and listen to a stream. Sit outside in the early evening, letting the sounds of the frogs and bugs re-connect you with nature. Let the sun shine on your face.
- Be still. When your body is tired, don’t ask any more of it. Give it permission to just be still. To just be.
While it may be difficult to imagine, consider that everything is just as it should be for this moment, and that all shall be well.
Do be gentle, and take good care ~
Many thanks to peasap for the beautiful photo.
I had a wonderful weekend filled with great self-care and then returned to a day that felt chaotic. I did breathe through it and accomplish a lot, but I can feel that tapping at my shoulder now that says this would be a good night to go to bed early!
Jean Sarauer recently posted..Newbie Interview Tips From My Virgin Interview
Rest well, Jean, maybe with a glass of water by your bed to hydrate your body.
Jane recently posted..When Weariness Sets In- Be Gentle With Yourself
Wonderful advice. Life does come at you fast as the ad says! We take our bodies for granted, even when they cry out for nourishment, rest, relaxation and care.
“Your greatest work of art is your life.” Unknown
Seems that weary bodies and weary minds often go hand in hand. Rest, and find solace in beautiful things. There you will also find inspiration for your greatest work of art.
Be gentle with yourself, and be well,
Jane recently posted..When Weariness Sets In- Be Gentle With Yourself
In today’s 24/7, 100% effort 100% of the time world, this is such a great reminder. Thanks!
Linda Gabriel recently posted..One Word That Changed the Course of History
I agree, Linda, productivity is in high demand these days. Perhaps another ‘word that could change the course of history’ would be ‘rest’.
Thanks for stopping in…take good care.
Jane recently posted..When Weariness Sets In- Be Gentle With Yourself
In this little book I read every day, God Calling, my reading yesterday said….”To the passenger it may seem as if each wave would overwhelm the ship, or turn it aside from its course. The captain knows by experience that, inspite of wind and wave, he steers a straight course to the haven where he should be.”
I looked back in the book, and found the same page. It’s a beautiful entry…and a nice reminder to just let go. We aren’t saddled with being the captain of the ship, and as passengers we musn’t fret over its course.
I suppose if I were on a big ship, taking a wonderful voyage, I’d eat good food, sleep when I need to, get outside and enjoy the sunshine, and sometimes just sit on deck and do nothing.
Thanks, Jilly, for the fresh perspective.
Jane recently posted..When Weariness Sets In- Be Gentle With Yourself
Lovely thoughts, Jane. Frogs and rest. Ahhh. Heavenly advice.
Katie recently posted..How to Sustain Change- Week 7 of the 7-Week Life Cleanse
I’m sure it’s hard to sleep with the windows open there, when it’s 104 degrees…but when you can, let those froggies sing you to sleep. That’s heavenly!
Jane recently posted..When Weariness Sets In- Be Gentle With Yourself
Excellent advice and much needed for me right now. Thank you.
Beautiful thoughts. Keep them coming.
Hi Alese,
I’m glad you liked the post. Hope you’ll find some helpful words on my pages.
Take good care ~
That´s a nice reminder for one not to feel guilty of an afternoon nap…
I believe many of us were raised to think that napping meant we were lazy. After visiting my dear friend in Spain, and enjoying the wonderful siestas, I LOVE an afternoon nap!
I love everything that you write, Jane. When I am tired i just need to look at the sky and if there are some clouds, i watch them and follow them, i feel young, no worries, no doubt, no scare, I am just there present…