Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.
Each week I read it, and find myself wishing I had the time, and a special place to answer her prompt.
Well, now I’ve made a place, a beautiful page on my blog, to cradle my wishes and dreams.
I’m guessing that some weeks I’ll answer her prompt, and some weeks I still won’t get to it. On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.
So here’s to my Wishcast for August 17, 2010 ~
Wishcasting Wednesday: Where Do You Wish To Make A Fresh Start?
I generally close each post by writing ‘Take good care’. I write this because I understand how foundational taking care of ourselves is to our health and happiness. I truly want my readers to ‘take good care’. I want them, I want you, to be well and happy.
My wish is that I will make a fresh start at my own self care. When my world opens up to amazing people and experiences, I sometimes spread myself too thin, and wind up neglecting the routines that so nourish and allow the very growth I seek.
I see what other creative people are accomplishing and I am eager to keep up. I see the simplicity of other lives, and crave simplicity. Always, I must remember to just take life one day at a time, and cherish the gifts of today.
I wish to allow myself this time of floating and discernment, and make a fresh start with my own self-care.
I’m really glad you’re here today … and sincerely I ask you, to take good care of yourself.
So, Where Do You Wish To Make A Fresh Start?
Leave a comment below…who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.
Click here to read my previous Wishcasts…
I also wish to thank Dare Darlington for the gorgeous picture….I’ve been waiting for just the right place to use it ♥
That really is the most beautiful picture! Fresh starts are incredibly healthy I think and I thank Jamie for the prompt this week. Here’s to us finding the time – and energy – to help ours come true. Best wishes to you on achieving your fresh start.
Lisa recently posted..Reacquainting with my exercise
Thanks Lisa, for the good wishes, and for visiting today. I’m excited about my fresh start … just trying to fit all the goodness into our schedules can sometimes be a challenge.
Take good care~
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Lucy recently posted..Wishing Wednesday
Thank you, Lucy, for visiting me again, and for the good wishes.
:) Jane
What better wish than for our own self-care. From there, you can create anything!
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.
Our own self care is so important … without it weariness sets in, and that is never good for creativity.
Thank you for the good wishes!
Sweet image.
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Take care. :)
Paula – Buenos Aires recently posted..Where do you wish to make a fresh start
Thank you, Paula, for the good wishes, and for visiting teenytinypieces today.
You take care, too. :)
I wish to make a fresh start by taking care of my body and ensuring I only feed it good, healthy food. As Jane wishes for us and for herself, I wish for her and for us also. Lovely post, Jane.
Katie recently posted..A Simple Guide to Living Life with Wild Abandon
I’m glad to hear you’re going to take good care of your body, and give it good food. You’ll feel healthy and strong. I’m hoping that your friend is finding some hope this week, as well.
As Katie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Hi, Jane…taking care of myself seems to be a full time job, and has been since 2004 with lots of healthy changes that included losing 160 pounds, exercising regularly, and other changes. Thanks for sharing this.
By the way, if you’re interested, Tribal Blogs at http://www.tribalblogs.net is a great place to get tips on blogging and meet like minded individuals. Stop in and check it out.
Tarheel Rambler recently posted..Sunday Scenery – 111
Thanks so much for visiting today. I’m glad you were here.
I agree that taking care of ourselves can be a full time job. Life’s distractions can make this a real challenge unless we maintain healthy intentions. I’m proud of you for changing your life so dramatically. I trust you will stay with it.
I visited http://www.tribalblogs.net today . It looks like an amazing community. I’ll visit again soon and learn more.
:) Jane
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
May we all take good care of ourselves. Lovely wish.
Karen D recently posted..Wishcast Wednesday- Where do you wish to make a fresh start
Yes, may we all take good care of ourselves … thanks for the good wishes.
As Jane wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
So very beautiful, warm and sweet. What an act self-care already.
Thank you, JoAnna, and I’m glad to see you again! Perhaps raising our intention is what Wishcasting Wednesday is all about, so the self-care began the moment I began typing my wish.
Much gratitude …
May you be able to have a fresh start with self-care. As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Thank you for the wishes, and for stopping by again! :)
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
May you have this fresh start with yourself that you seek. xx
Thank you for the good wishes. Replying to each of your comments tonight feels like tiny prayers. I’m glad you were her.
as Jane wishes for herself in her own self care, i wish for her also.
Thank you, Marilyn, for the good wishes,
Take good care,
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Take care of your self, and I will too :)
Megan recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday
You’ve got a deal! :)
Thanks for the wishes!
As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well. Thank you for the reminder of how we need to take care of ourselves. And you take good care of yourself, too! :)
Kim recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday-Fresh Starts
I will ~ just finished a yummy home cooked supper with organic veggies and a delicious salad. Taking care of myself feels great! I’ll spend the rest of the evening working on designing some bookmarks I’ve been meaning to get to. Nice …
:) Jane
Self-care is the foundation of all growth, that’s for sure! As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her!!
Ceanne recently posted..Wishcast Wednesday – Where do you wish to make a fresh start
Amen. I have that problem , too. As you wish for yourself, I also wish for you. Best of luck.
Googlover/keishua recently posted..A Fresh Start or an Ode to Books
Thank you for the wishes … being intentional about my own self care has already improved my spirits and my well-being.
Please do take good care of yourself :)