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Month: August 2010

Washing Away Weariness and Bathing In Gratitude

Tonight I arrived home safely from vacation.  I am tired and weary.  My heart is full as I realize my good fortune in the experiences I’ve had these past few weeks.  I realize I owe you ‘Part 2’ of our Road-Trip Tips mini-series … for tonight, just gratitude.

I will shower, allowing the water molecules to wash away the weariness, frustrations, and unhealthy energies I might’ve picked up along the way, and to re-charge my body.

I will sleep tonight bathed in peace and contentment.

I pray that the three animals who touched my spirit during this trip will be present in my dreams.  I saw each on a separate day, drinking cool water from mountain streams.  First a whitetail deer, next a horse, and third, a bull elk … they seemed to look into my eyes and call for notice.

‘Notice this’, they seemed to say.  ‘I am drinking, replenishing.  Notice that this clean water, this fresh air, are gifts.  Notice.’

Gentle acknowledgement, peace, contentment, gratitude.

Tonight I will wash away my weariness with the same water that has been in cycle on this earth from the beginning of time.

Good night, and take special good care,

Thanks to lydiaom for the photo.