Last updated on 11/02/2010
I woke up at 5:00 this morning. Eyes wide open, mind clear and ready for the day. I decided to get up and get started, maybe get to work a little early.
As I crawled out of bed, a basket of clean sheets greeted me. They asked to be folded …”Okay“, I said. I folded the sheets. My body relaxed into the folding. The early morning movement strengthened me, stretching my arms neck and back, up on my tiptoes to keep the sheets off of the floor as I folded them.
Pulled a fun pair of boots, a skirt, and top out of my closet. A quick shower, and still, it was dark outside … shorter days.
The sky began to lighten a bit. Just a hint of pink.
I walked outside to give Annie a pat on the head. The crickets chirped, and I enjoyed the earth’s energy under my bare feet. I stretched more, sun salutations, a Native American meditation, and stretches for my tight shoulder muscles. Wonderful energy from this rock of perfect creation.
The day is still young, and I’m still early for whatever I will still accomplish today. I’m glad the sun was lazy, it was a beautiful gift.
Yummy way to start the day, Jane. Your writing takes me there with you. Thank you for this beautiful morning gift.
katie recently posted..Do You Have a Chair of Your Own
Thanks for stopping by, Katie. Hope you’re having a great weekend. Jane
The morning is such a wonderful time of day. So new; so full of possibility; so here and now.
I love the imagery you’re painting here. So similar to the brisk coolness that we are now feeling in New England.
Could you share the extended version of that Native American meditation if one exists? Thanks.
Bill Gerlach recently posted..Calling All Vegetarians and Vegans for an October Rally
You’re right, Bill … there’s something very magical about early morning, when the world is so still. I do have the rest of the meditation written somewhere, and will get it to you as soon as I can find it. In-general I use the parts that I need for that day …. hummmm, seems to go with the quote that I used.
Have a great weekend!
I felt like I was with you as you folded the sheets. Thank you for sharing a lovely morning with us. I dream about NC – such a magnificently beautiful state.
Angela Artemis recently posted..You Become What You Think About
Thanks for stopping by, Angela. You’re welcome to come help me fold sheets anytime. North Carolina is beautiful, and I do love it here!
Take special good care ~
Walking bare foot in the newly plowed ground in the spring on the farm was a treat. I’m sure I was soaking up energy from the earth but I didn’t know it. My dads rule was you couldn’t go bare foot until the temperature reached 80 degrees. Can remember watching the thermometer as it slowly creeped up near the starting bell. The big problem was at days end. The feet had to be washed before bedtime. No showers, no running water, no electricity. All of that came later after WWII.
Dad … thank you so much for writing! I love hearing from you here. It’s a special place to share so much. Seems we had a similar rule about when we could go barefooted when we were growing up, I never knew where it came from.
I also remember sitting on the side of Grandma Mabel’s bathtub washing my feet before bedtime. It was a wonderful, refreshing, gift at the end of the day … but I am glad we had running water then. Take off your shoes, Dad, and go outside. Recall the freshly plowed fields. Stand in the grass and feel gratitude for your many blessings.
I love you!
I enjoyed that so much, thank you. I will be think of these words all day: “They asked to be folded …”Okay“, I said. I folded the sheets.” I’m not so kind to my sheets sometimes. ;)
Hi Majeeda,
Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m glad you were here. Sometimes, when I’m able to be in a comfortable place of living with intention, experiencing all the good things we have as gifts comes so easy. I’m so grateful for those times.
Take good care,
Oh, the perfect start to the day! I love it. I can feel the gentle energy building through the stretches. Mindful living tells us to wake gently, and be grateful. Thank you for this *perfect* reminder.
Hi Diana,
Thanks so much for stopping by. It really is amazing how just a few simple choices in the morning can change the entire day. Perhaps tomorrow morning I’ll ask myself ‘Shall I lay here, in my comfy bed, and push my morning schedule, or shall I get up, and stretch, and make it a lovely day powered by intention?’
Thanks for your kind words,
Take good care,
Hi Diana,
Just thought I’d let you know that I did, in-fact decide to get up and stretch, and have been enjoying a bit of a new morning routine. Thanks for your encouragement.
Have a great day!
… you reminded me of the sacredness of early morning – and the promise each day brings.
Thank you for this gift.
Aileen recently posted..Dare to be Awkward!
You’re most welcome, Aileen. Wonderful when gifts are free for the taking, and available to anyone who wishes to partake. Hope you’ll sneak a few extra minutes of early morning ( or of this amazingly bright moon )
Take good care ~
Hi Jane, I clicked over from Katie Tallo’s beautiful blog.
I love doing yoga stretches in the morning, too. It’s such a great feeling to not have to rush to get the day started.
Hi Belinda,
I’m so glad you stopped by. Stretching is amazingly energizing and refreshing, especially in the early morning. I have to say that since I wrote this post, I’ve been compelled to sneak outside in the morning with my shoes off and enjoy the wet grass while I greet the morning with some stretches.
I’m grateful for people like you who stopped by and gave me encouragement … validation, that this is truly a good way to start the day.
Take special good care, and I hope to see you again soon ~
Very nice top! And I also like your skirt alot! I’ve been using skirts alot, but smiotemes I don’t really have anything that goes with it, but I’ve never thought of a top like that. I like it!