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10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

Last updated on 11/17/2010

Teenytinypieces is a year old this week.

Time has gone quickly.  It has been a good year,  for the most part.  I admit that I’ve hopped on the dreaded and uncomfortable emotional roller coaster a time or two, but had sense enough to get off of it at the next platform.  It has been a year of tremendous learning and growth.

In the picture, I’m playing a piano in the massive and beautiful lodge at Glacier National Park.  I only remember two sweet, simple tunes from my childhood piano lessons … I giggled to myself as I played them both.  A year ago, fear of judgement would’ve kept me from sitting on that piano bench, no matter how badly I might’ve wanted to play.  Somehow, it’s a testament to my growth.

I’ve come to understand that for the most part, my life changes in direct proportion to my willingness to be changed.

Have you ever read a page, a quote, or a new idea that just caused you to stop and take a deep breath, and just say ‘Wow.”  During the past 12 months, I’ve often felt like a small town girl going to a big city … standing in the middle of the street with my mouth hanging open.   I had no idea how much I had to learn!

Here’s a list of some of my favorite “Wow” posts (in abc order … always the teacher) from some of my favorite blogs this year.  Each caused me to stop and say “Wow!”  Each caused me to think … each caused me to change.

  • Chris Guillebeau ~ Taught me to say yes to everything (well, almost everything), and when something amazingly compelling comes along, to say “Hell yes!”
  • Everett Bogue ~   Taught me that the list of material things I need is very short, and the list of experiences I need is unlimited.
  • Jamie Ridler ~ Taught me the power of giving voice to my wishes, and of developing a creative, nurturing community for personal and community growth.
  • John Sherry ~ Taught me to keep my chin up, keep smiling, and write from my heart.
  • Katie Tallo ~ Taught me that I don’t need to be everything to everyone, and that I have the right to choose which hat to wear, and to switch it out when it no longer suits.
  • Leo Babauta ~ Taught me to focus on what’s important, and to determine what I can accomplish each day.  Many days, back to back, make a lifetime.
  • Lisa Sonora Beam ~ Taught me that dreams really do come true.  This post was written from her studio in Mexico, where she went to work on her amazing 1,008 paintings project.
  • Seth Godin ~ Taught me to shut off my lizard brain, and the power of writing simply … that the message does not need to be laced with sequins and flashing lights.  Simple is awesome!
  • Susan Loughrin ~ Taught me to get over my fear that people will think I’m silly about the things I love … she validated the sense of wholeness and beauty I feel when I touch a soft scrap of yarn, listen to a sweet simple tune, or sense the prickly fragility of a pinecone.
  • Tammy Strobel ~ Taught me that living small and simple is awesome, and that one person really can “create social change through creative living”.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank each of these writers.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank each member of my family, each reader, each friend who has helped, encouraged, and given me direction this year.

Sending love and hugs to you all,

Take special good care,


  1. Jane, thank you for the lovely mention among such inspiring people. Your sentiments are warm but then again so are you and your genial, supportive spirit is like a sun that burns bright in your blog and what you share. Long may that continue. Keep the vibe alive!
    John Sherry recently posted..How To Be Lucky In Only 5 Steps

    • Thanks for stopping by, John. It’s good to see you here. Thanks also for the good wishes, and for helping me along my journey. Take good care!

  2. Jane, I love this post. Your growth and wisdom and vulnerability shine through in your loving words. Thank you so much for including me and I’m really happy that I inspired you in some small way. Your blog is a gift to all of us.
    Katie recently posted..How to Grow Momentum in Your Life

    • Glad you like it, Katie. It was fun to think back over the past year. The 10 posts really stood out in my mind, so it really was easy to pick the ones I wanted to share. Thanks for your kind words, and all that you give,
      Take good care,

  3. Hello Jane!

    It’s so good to “meet” you here online. I feel honored that my work has inspired you to pursue your dream.

    Coincidently (AKA synchronistically) I just wrote about that as being my number one reason for doing the work I do.

    Happy One Year Birthday to your blog. Your blog is a fellow Libra! :)

    I just love how you expressed your learning curve:

    “During the past 12 months, I’ve often felt like a small town girl going to a big city … standing in the middle of the street with my mouth hanging open. I had no idea how much I had to learn!”

    Jane, that’s what it feels like whenever you (we) are being brave and taking action for what matters most to us. It’s the most thrilling ride ever.

    About your piano playing in the lodge: My undergraduate degree is in music, and my instrument Jazz Piano.

    My teacher, Alan Swain, required his students to practice in public. That was in Chicago. We had to go find an empty piano in public somewhere (I usually went to any nice hotel lobby) and do our lessons right there.

    He said, “You don’t get good by practicing in a sound-proof practice room. You get good by playing.”

    I think it’s an apt metaphor for life…and blogging.

    Now I want to go check out all those posts you mentioned!

    Lisa Sonora Beam recently posted..Why I’m a Creative Entrepreneur- Reason 1- Showing people how they can- too

    • Hi Lisa,

      Thanks so much for your kind and generous comment. We’ve been on the road, and at an art festival (our first) this weekend. Though we haven’t sold much, it has been a step in the realization of our dreams. Maybe the best part of the festival was being around so many like-minded people, each helping and sharing their knowledge and experience with us.

      Then there were many people who just stopped by to talk, saying that my art was very authentic and honest, which is about the best compliment I could have asked for … one man looking at my work and saying, “THIS is a happy artist.” It was such a pleasure to talk with folks about my process, or lack thereof. Painting from my heart … just putting on some great music and then pulling out colors that I’m drawn to at a particular moment, putting the brush to the canvas and seeing what happens. I suppose that’s my process. Just as you played piano in public, I would love to have been able to paint in my booth this weekend, but the logistics were enough without bringing all of my supplies along.

      So, I keep learning, we keep learning. We find kindred spirits, and friends along the way, who teach and inspire us, and remind us that dreams do come true, and that if we just keep doing the next right thing, we’ll find our way.

      I have every hope that the next year will be wonderful for teenytinypieces, and for me … eyes wide open, even if I am standing in the middle of the street.

      It’s great to meet you, Lisa. Take special good care!

  4. Hi Jane –
    I linked here from Aileen and loved this post – not just for the links which look great – but as it was such an honest and poignant read. Stepping out of the box and letting go are things I have been working with all year – and now it is more just letting go…
    I love what you did with the piano!!

    • Thanks so much for stopping by. Glad you came over from Aileen’s beutiful blog … isn’t she wonderful?!

      Letting go, over and over … teeny tiny steps until we find a comfortable spot. Somehow, though, once we get there, we see another spot in the distance we’d like to check out, don’t we. So, it’s all part of the beautiful journey. Thanks for being part of my journey, and for stopping by to visit. I hope to see you again soon!
      Take special good care!

  5. Hi Jane! What a lovely list. Congratulations for your one year mark! It’s wonderful that you can look back and see such growth.

    I love that idea that we continually change, and so does everything around us, whether we like it or not. Therefore, we might as well celebrate change, growth, and everything that comes with it. :)

    Loving blessings!
    Andrea DeBell – britetalk recently posted..The Sexy Art of Touch

    • Hi Andrea,

      I’m so happy to see that you stopped by.

      It really has been an amazing year. I’m delayed in replying to my posts because it has been such a crazy busy and fun week. We participated in our first art festival this weekend, and set up our first permanent booth, at The Kress Emporium in downtown Asheville. We met so many amazing people, fun artists and shoppers. I love how I keep finding my way to the ‘right’ venue, whether it’s on a festival street, or an online forum … that helps me connect with new and amazing people.

      I’m hoping that the coming year will bring many more wonderful experiences … most importantly, that my readers will find parts of my story compelling-enough to take steps in the direction of their dreams, as well.

      Hope you’re having a great week!
      Take special good care!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

  6. Susie Susie


    I love, love, love this post. I love that you love and find beauty in the simple things of life. Your inspire me to break through the fears I have and begin my own journey of living life to the fullest. Like Henry David Thoreau, I want to “to live deliberately, I want to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die discover that I had not lived.”

    Thank you Jane for your kind, genuine spirit. You are a gem among so many unpolished stones.


    • Hi Susie,

      I’m so glad you liked the post, and thanks for your sweet, kind words. I’m flattered, and hope that I can live up to them.

      I loved what you wrote: “You inspire me to break through the fears I have and begin my own journey of living life to the fullest.” If this is my only accomplishment in the first year of writing on teenytinypieces, it is more than enough. This is why I write.

      Embrace the journey, Susie, you are worth it … the steps will unfold before you.

      Take special good care, my friend,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

  7. Thank you for sharing these WOW posts! It’s really fun to take a look back and see how far we’ve come in a year – and look at how the journey unfolded. It was 9 months ago that I’ve entered into the blogging world and it’s been an incredible learning curve and great discoveries.

    It’s wonderful that you celebrated your “wows” with us!
    Aileen recently posted..The Beauty of Shared Gifts

  8. How beautiful to read about your journey and to have been a part of it in this first year – happy blog-a-versary! It’s been a joy to have you as a part of the Wishcasting Circle – and I am honoured to be on such a gorgeous list of inspirations! Thank you!

    And I just love sitting here imagining the delightful tunes and the beautiful moment that sparked that smile in your picture! May there be many more delights to come!

  9. hi jane,

    happy blog birthday!!!!…
    Something Chris Guillabeau said when I saw him a couple weeks ago here in Maine, is that there aren’t many blogs out there that actually change your life, and he wanted his to be different. It’s good to see that he is doing just that… and so are many others as witnessed here in your post. Congratulations on your one year… and I bet you’ll find it’s the first of many to come and that you are helping to change lives too… thank you for this post.


    • Hi Laurie! So glad to see you … how is your garden growing??

      I agree … Chris, and so many others really are making a difference in the world by choosing to live, and write about their passions.

      We can each make a difference, no matter how large or small … all the teenytinypieces make a big beautiful world.

      Take good care, and thanks so much for stopping by!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

  10. Jane, I am so happy to come here and read your post. Bravo on making the small and large steps towards your self-realization! It’s so nice of you to write the tribute to all who helped inspire you to get there. A very sweet gesture. Happy birthday to your blog and here’s to another great year!
    Farnoosh recently posted..The Spirit of Bali wrapped in 9 Gems of Advice

    • Thanks Farnoosh … I’m so glad you stopped by!

      I started the blog to help myself, and quickly found that the beautiful thing about growth, writing, and self-discovery is sharing what I learn with others. The blogging sphere is a lovely dance of giving and receiving.

      So glad we’ve connected, and again, I’m totally in love with your 9 gems from Bali. Very beautiful!

      Take good care,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

  11. …Love all of the connections…I find it such fun to go back and see where the “seeds” began (then, watch how my life is soooo like the internet and social networking!) as things appear, connections are remembered…then more and more and more!

    Back to your sweet simple songs on the piano….*sigh* this brings me back from the excitement of the connections! and reminds me of that first drop of water in the endless circles that eminate out….peaceful.
    Susan recently posted..Acapella Affirmations

    • Hello dear,

      Thanks for stopping by … this life really is all about connections isn’t it? Now that I think of it, connections to each other, to self, to family, to the earth, to spirit, to things … the list goes on and on.

      Lovely ripples. I learned recently that vibrations never end. The vibrations from our very first heartbeat are still traveling through the universe. Quite amazing. We just never know how far our ripples will travel, or whom they will touch.

      Well, a year ago I would never have dreamed that I’d connect with so many amazing people online. Now I’m certain that one day, when the time is right, I’ll be in collaboration with some creative spirits out there, making a beautiful difference in the world!

      Take good care~
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..10 Posts That Helped Me Let Go Of Fear And Pursue My Dreams

    • Hi Rebecca … I apologize for missing your comment here! Thanks so much for stopping in! Isn’t Glacier just amazing! I have long loved the southwest, and now know some of the northwest as well. So very beautiful! Some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen!
      Take good care,
      ~ Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Does the Soft Animal of Your Body Wish For

      • I've never used polish remover pads, thinking I'd go through too many to take off my polish, but hearing you only use 2 for all 10 nails is enough for me to try them! And I use the mark Keep It Going in Naturalist, a great summer shade that I'm putting away as fall rolls in and my makeup preferences are starting to move towards plums and browns. And I'm definitely trying that lip glnso!Thasks for the reviews!xoxo J

      • Dec13sandro yo creo que esta bueno solo abrica que ponerles varias carateiristicas o detalles por ejemplo en detalle de la cantidaden caso de que sea 100 unidades tendre que hacer 100 veces.. gg abrica que ver bien yo creo chicos..estudiar el codigo..y creo que no esta envano el codigode todas maneras gracias.. viejo

  12. Hi Jane.
    Thanks so much for your support and kind words on my wishcast, they mean so much to me.

    May all your hopes and dreams come to be! Love the picture of you at the piano.

    Karen D recently posted..Wishcast Wed- What do you wish to fly free from

    • Karen, you’re so welcome.

      There have been more days than I can count that I felt as you have. There is light, not only at the end of the tunnel, but all around you. Be still and quiet, and place your hands over your heart. Feel and receive the love that comes to you, even from unknown places.

      Prayers that you will begin to let go of your fears, and pursue your dreams as well. You’re worth it.

      Take special good care,

  13. What a great list. I love the “Hell, yes” and will begin using it today;) Isn’t life grand?

    • It IS grand, Tess. Though I think maybe I’ve hell yes’d myself into a very busy place. It was good to hear from Rob this morning … especially about being willing to live new insights.

      This post is about some beautiful and strong people, who’ve accomplished and given so much. We each define strength, success, and fulfillment in our own way, so my prayer is that we will each find what we need as we step out of fear and pursue our dreams.

      Take good care, Tess, and thanks so much for stopping by!
      ~ Jane

  14. Taught me to focus on what’s important, and to determine what I can accomplish each day. Many days, back to back, make a lifetime.

    Working on your goal each and every day, with a big vision, is the only way to reach it. Great advice, from Leo.

    • Hi Jonathan … I apologize for missing your comment here. I’ve certainly learned the value of living one day at at time, and consciously choosing how productive I will be each day.

      I have much to learn from Leo … and from so many other wise bloggers out there!

      Thanks for stopping by!
      ~ Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Does the Soft Animal of Your Body Wish For

  15. Hi Jane

    Okay, this may not be a very minimalist thing to do, but I just opened each of the links to the people who have inspired you and have a window open for each one. Yes, my computer is now “cluttered” with open windows stretched across the bottom. And yes, that clutter is a bit distracting, but I HAVE to do this so I can remember to read them! ;) All my desire to declutter today have flown right out the window.

    On a serious note, thanks Jane for sharing your thoughts and inspirations with us. I look forward to scrolling around your site, too, and learning more about you.
    Patti recently posted..Why Commas Matter – A Hay Ride Gone Horribly Wrong

    • Hi Patti,
      I just happened across some comments that were marked as spam, and found you there. I’m so sorry! ~

      Sounds like you’ve made little icons on your desktop for each of the links. Funny, I recently did the same thing for several that I kept meaning to get to, but just never did. It has worked ~ I do click on them from time to time to see what’s new. There’s so much wonderful stuff out there, so hard to fit it all in. We just do what we can.

      I’m so glad you stopped by! Hope you’re enjoying your tour of teenytinypieces. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you!
      Take good care,
      ~ Jane

  16. […] John Sherry, at  You may remember that John’s post was on my list of 10 Posts that Helped me Let Go of Fear and Pursue My Dreams.  He’s the one who taught me to keep my chin up and write from my heart.  John’s post […]

  17. […] reality check can remind you to work with what you’ve got, rather than what you wish you had. I choose not to wait until my reality changes in order to make my dreams come true. The link I chose to share with you here is unexpectedly appropriate. Check in with your reality […]

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