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Month: September 2010

Are Your Words Building Arches or Walls?

Consider for a moment, whether your words are building arches or walls. Both are fine, solid, useful structures. Both have their place in history.

Constructive criticism, a suggestion for improvement, the expression of a frustration … these can build arches or they can build walls. Perhaps the difference between the two is simply timing, tone of voice, frequency, or body language.

Arches create doorways, entrances, two-way passages. They provide support, and are both mechanical and beautiful. Each stone is carefully selected and placed with intention.   Though they are vulnerable to destruction, arches provide strength and an open structure for communication, movement, and flow.

Walls are also built with intention. They are barriers. Their purpose it to separate, keep someone or something out … or in. Walls provide protection, and isolation. From what, are we protecting ourselves with wall-building words? What right do we have to isolate another?

Choose your words, your tone of voice, your intention carefully. Choose whether you’d like to build an arch of movement and open communication, or a wall … the end.

Take good care, my friends.

If you found something of use in my post today, I hope you’ll share it with a friend.  Here’s a link to copy and send via email or on Facebook. Perhaps you can facilitate some arch-building communication in your part of the world today.

Many thanks to ignome for the beautiful photo of an Ancient Roman aqueduct.