Last updated on 11/02/2010
I hadn’t planned to write a post tonight, but when I got home from work this evening, the first thing my husband said to me was, “There was an explosion in Afghanistan today, and soldiers died … and nobody cares.”
“You care.” I replied.
He said, “So do you.”
I immediately thought of a poem I wrote many years ago, on the first night of bombings in Kuwait, against Iraq.
I knew some writing was in order again tonight. I went to my bookshelf and took out the 5 x 7 fabric board notebook that my mother gave me when I was a girl. The front page still has her handwriting: “Jane’s Poetry and Prose Notebook.” I shuffled through the pages until I found the poem. It was dated January 16, 1991, almost 20 years ago.
I stood in front of the television that January night, watching as flashes shot across the sky and as bombs exploded, one after another, after another. Disbelief. Reports said that it went well … the night was a success, only one pilot was killed.
My own son, then only four years old, slept peacefully in the next room. Through my tears, I wrote this poem, and showed it to my mother the next day. I didn’t understand … I don’t understand … how “one pilot killed” could have been considered a successful night.
Societies become numb to war. Pictures, videos, and news reports become too painful to really internalize, so we protect ourselves as best we can. We can, truly, only take so much.
So, here’s my poem, unedited, from 20 years ago. It sounds very much like my husband’s tender words from tonight. (Thank you, Frank.) My hope is that you’ll do something positive with them. Start a conversation, write a poem, talk to your children.
My skies are blue, the sun is shining.
One night of bombing. It went very well.
One mother praying,
One pilot killed.
One heaven to look to.
Success in the Gulf.
More days ahead, few or many.
Scud missile hits.
One mother praying,
One pilot killed.
A dear old friend of mine, she’s around 90 years old now, used to tell of her brother standing on the front porch and pretending to preach. “This old world ain’t got no sense!” he would shout. She told me that story over and over. When the world wasn’t making sense to her she’d say it, and laugh about ‘Brother Joe’.
Sometimes it seems this old world ain’t got no sense. We have to do the best we can with it. Spread some love, and let someone know that you care. Teach peace and make this old world a better place.
Take good care …
Awesome snapshots of love by Jesse Gardner, Amor Ministries, Caitlinator, and Mangus Franklin!
Hi Jane,
Sure, we can make the world a better place. One person at a time, you know, like Ghandi said: “be the change.”
I know exactly what you mean about “only one pilot killed.” That’s way too many. For what? Because nations can’t behave like grown-ups and settle differences peacefully?
Keep spreading the word :)
Leah McClellan recently posted..Feel The Fear–and Do It Anyway
Thank you Jane and thank you Frank…plenty of us do care and we are here. One pilot, one marine, one person of any stripe is too many to die needlessly.
Excellent post! Thanks for remembering a “lost” poem in an old fabric covered book. It is a good one.
There is an election coming up and people need to think about serious things, like how we got where we are in the Middle East and how many precious young and older men and women have died . . . for what. This is not to mention the innocent, and now deceased, civilians we went to save.
A man goes on his twelfth tour and is killed. There is something wrong here. Twelve times he was sent back to that hellish place. Get a draft.
Oil greed, aided and abetted by misleading the American people, has taken us there and mired us in the timeless sands of the Middle East.
I heard at the war’s beginning that the Taliban was saying they would bankrupt this country. They have been pretty accurate.
Now we are on the verge of a religious uprising, here at home, called a “Tea Party”.
War is not a handsome guy/beautiful dame in a uniform. It is bloody, gut-ripping and fierce and people die in agonizing pain most of the time, alone and frightened.
By the way, the “what” is oil, enabling us to jet and drive, stay warm, stay cool and have the conveniences (and freedoms) we crave.
“November is coming” some of the signs read. I hope those who vote are prepared to pay for what they get. Believe me, how you vote is your own business but vote, because you care that soldiers died and more will die. Be willing to stand behind what you voted for if you get it.
It’s the only voice we have and no one can prevent your voting.
What a beautiful piece of poetry…so very poignant and very meaningful – then and today. As an avid Anti-War advocate, I’m with you! ONE son lost is too man!
You might be interested in another sort of “War” being waged…I just learned of it myself. Maybe you’ve heard of it? They’re dropping LOVE BOMBS :) Let’s see if this goes through with the link:
Grace recently posted..Gratitude Friday- Recipes In the Key of Life
If the world was ruled by women, there would be no wars, for we would never consider letting any mother lose their son in such a useless way.
Marilia recently posted..What nobody tells you about being a stay at home mom
Leah, Nancy, Mom, and my new friends Grace and Marilia … thank you all for stopping by and leaving a comment. I’ve logged in to reply many times, but haven’t known how to reply. I suppose, just thank you for caring. You’ve each expressed a beautiful, valid point of view. The elections are over … whether we’re happy or not makes no difference. We can make a choice to care, and to spread peace and love in the world … and if you want to wear a flower in your hair, by all means! (right mom?)
Love to you all,
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Enjoy
Jane, you offer wonderful ‘sense’ and advice,
“Sometimes it seems this old world ain’t got no sense. We have to do the best we can with it. Spread some love, and let someone know that you care. Teach peace and make this old world a better place.”
It does matter when one person cares – and we need to raise the voice so that it is not silent. Thank you for sharing your voice and making it heard.
Aileen recently posted..10 Kaizen Tips For A Frugal Holiday Season
Hi Aileen,
Thanks for visiting, and always for your kindness. Our lives are filled with situations beyond our control, but we can each do our part in our circle … And the circle will widen.
Have a great day!
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Enjoy