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Month: November 2010

Introducing ‘Recovery Seeds’ … Daily Mini-Posts to Support Your Wellness Journey

Recovery Seeds

It is my belief that most of us are recovering from something. Whether it’s acute or chronic, physical, emotional, or spiritual … we likely have some condition that needs attention.

When we’re getting over the flu or a broken arm there are certain steps we take in order to reduce the fever, relieve our aching muscles, or heal the injury.

But recovering from broken promises, a weakened immune system, or the effects of inadequate self-care can’t be fixed with surgery or medication.

I seldom get the flu, and I’ve never broken a bone, but I’ve spent a measurable part of my life in recovery.

  • Maybe you’ve lived with chronic pain for so long that you can’t remember life without it.
  • Maybe you get a headache every afternoon, and can’t figure out why.
  • Maybe you or someone you love suffers from an addiction.
  • Maybe your desire to please others drives you to self-neglect or exhaustion.
  • Maybe everyone around you thrives on chaotic drama, and maybe you do, too.
  • Maybe you’ve lived with something painful or difficult  for so long, that you don’t remember life any other way.

My hope is that you’ll become willing to acknowledge that pain isn’t normal, and that it doesn’t have to be part of your life.  Maybe your heart desires, but dares not utter, “There must be a better, more peaceful way to live.”

One of my most beloved doctors once told me, “You need to take care of yourself.  You know how to take care of yourself better than anyone else in this world.”  Her words stirred something deep inside me, a germ of a seed that had been dormant … deep in the dark, rich soil of my spirit.  Until that moment, I believed someone else needed to take care of me, to heal me, to make me better. She empowered me to take charge of my nutrition, my medical care, my emotional and spiritual well-being.  She awakened my recovery seed.

I’ve created Recovery Seeds, weekday mini-posts, in order to stir the tiny seeds within your spirit that need warmth, sunlight, and nutrition.  They’re bits and pieces from my recovery journey.  They’ll be scattered with my own writings, recovery quotes, and valuable links.

In the natural world, some seeds germinate very slowly, and some produce shoots almost before our eyes.  Gently tend the seeds that resonate with you.  Provide fertile soil and give them time to take root and grow.

The first Recovery Seed post will be tomorrow, December 1, 2010. It is my deepest desire that these seeds will help you along your path to wellness, and that you’ll find the courage to share the seeds with others who might be helped.

I’m wishing you wellness and tender, healing nourishment,
Take good care,

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