Last updated on 02/03/2011
The lesson this time … we don’t create pictures, artwork, we create community. It starts with a dream, deep in the center of your soul, brought to light, nurtured to life, and returning to a dream.
As I write this I’m watching, listening to, M.C. Richards: The Fire Within for the third time tonight … the story of poet, potter, artist, M.C. Richards. Her immensely powerful voice has become part of my recovery. I watch the DVD from time to time, taking the opportunity to have presence with her. Each time I watch it, my life is changed. Her words mingle with mine in this post. They seep into my spirit and become part of me.
The hinged wooden box full of my mother’s old pastels rests at my hip, as I put color on boards. Loving … feeling the colors. Heart opening to M.C.’s words, creating community. My fingertips covered with carmine, cadmium yellow, and cyclamen red. A Wave of Not Knowing, Heart’s Center. I am moved … changed.
“Authenticity is spiritual presence.”
“Be guided by the things that please you deeply.”
Take good care,
Oh my….FIRE….Here I am, having just posted for today, and your words and your works just reaffirmed my hearts message.
I’m not sure I’ve ever read a more powerful piece of advise: Be guided by the things that please you deeply. Thank you!
Grace recently posted..C’mon Baby Light My Fire
Hi Grace,
I love those words as well … as I said, M.C.’s words mingled with mine … those are hers. If you haven’t seen her video, you might consider ordering it. She was an amazing part of the human race. If I’m a lucky girl, I’ll be a little like her when I grow up.
Take good care ~
I love it!
Hi Nancy … so glad to see you here! There isn’t much available about M.C. online, that I can find, but she was an amazing woman. Sometime when we come your way, we’d be happy to bring the DVD and share it with you.
Sending hugs to you both!
Jane Rochelle recently posted..In Spiritual Presence with MC Richards
Wow this short piece and your art are lovely. I also admire your new photo. I’ve not been here for a while and I’m happy I’m back. I’m forwarding this to two of my artist friends;)
Happy Thanksgiving.
Tess The Bold Life recently posted..You’re Invited to Change the World Through the Girl Effect
Hi Tess, It’s great to see you … the web is ever-expanding, and it’s hard to get to everyone we want to visit. I’m so glad you had a minute to stop by!
I’d encourage you, and your friends to consider buying/sharing/watching the M.C. Richards DVD. She was quite an amazing person! I always learn something new from her.
Take good care, and thanks so much for coming by!
Jane Rochelle recently posted..In Spiritual Presence with MC Richards
Hi Jane,
Was MC Richards a university professor that started a ceramics/pottery dept. at (I’ve forgotten which university – one in NY? SUNY maybe?)If so, I think I watched this documentary on TV a few years back. I loved it. I was just switching channels with nothing to do one evening (obviously this before blogging!) and happened upon the documentary.
I loved seeing what everyone was wearing (wasn’t it filmed in the late 70s?) particularly her students. I also found the process she developed of firing her pottery fascinating as well. Anyway, I do love art and I used to dream about having a potters wheel. I took several pottery classes when I was younger and just loved it.
Geez, I hope this is the same documentary!
Angela Artemis recently posted..The Amazing Grace of Thanksgiving Day
Hi Angela,
She may have been connected with a univeristy in NY. I’m not certain. She taught at the University of Chicago, but didn’t enjoy the restrictions of academia, and later went to Black Mountain, NC, just east of Asheville, where she and a group of other emerging artists revolutionized the arts culture in America. Perhaps most inspiring to me was her time with ‘the villagers’ … a residential community where she lived a life of authenticity, creativity, and divine existence. When I see this part, my heart pours open!
Perhaps you can carve out a bit of time to put your fingers back in the clay. There is certainly magic in shaping pots, or lopsided vases, as mine often turend out … thank goodness it was about the process, and not the product!
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Join in a circle of wishing &8230 and count your wishes come true
[…] to worry about money … but I do let go of that worry, and devote as much time as possible to feeding my creativity … the more creative time I allow myself, the more possibilities unfold before me. Magical, […]
Jane, those paintings/pictures are so beautiful!
I am not familiar with MC Richards and The Fire Within – I just clicked on the link you gave and it looks like film I must see. – I love being introduced to artists that I don’t yet know :)
“Be guided by the things that please you deeply.” – today, I take your advice :)
Hi Aileen,
Glad you like the pictures … I didn’t know what I’d do when I sat down, but’spending time’ with MC just opens my creativity valve! She was an amazing spirit! We all have much to learn from her!
Thanks for stopping by!
:) Jane
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Join in a circle of wishing &8230 and count your wishes come true