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Month: November 2010

Join in a circle of wishing … and count your wishes come true

I’ve been wishing on stars since I was just a little girl … wishing for puppies, lions, pink, and chocolate.  Wishing for sweet happiness, the loving closeness of my family, and adventures in faraway places.  I’m a very lucky girl … most of my wishes have come true.

I grew up and, like many people, forgot how to wish for a little while … it happens.  Still, I’m one of the lucky ones.  I’m wishing again … wishing abundantly, and enjoying wishes come true.

This year I’ve participated in a powerful weekly writing project at Jamie Ridler Studios.  Each week Jamie posts a most delicious wishcasting prompt.  Those of us who enjoy this ever-expanding circle of support hop to it … our hearts, minds, and keyboards humm as we write out our wishes, and visit each-other’s blogs, writing “As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.”  That’s powerful stuff!

Acknowledging wishes, and inviting creativity is something like throwing open a window, and letting in the fresh air. Things just happen.  I was thrilled when Jamie asked me to contribute as a Featured Wishcasting Client for jamieridlerstudios (here’s the link). Jamie’s lovely new Wishcasting Journal started shipping this week, and I’m honored to be part of the excitement!  What beautiful abundance!

In the spirit of acknowledging the part that heightened awareness and loving support play in making our wishes come true, I’ve done a quick inventory, just to see which of my wishes have come to life, and which ones are still in the works.

I’ve made alot of wishes, so I tried to cluster them together in a way that made sense … since July I’ve wished to:

Authentically give and receive in relationships ~ I’ve gained a better understanding of my needs and my voice.  I may not always give and receive in the way that others think I should, but authenticity isn’t about pleasing other people, it’s about being true to myself.

Focus on developing personal sustainability and peace, and on sharing love and healing with my family ~ Am I always peaceful?  Absolutely not, but I’ve learned strategies that help me return to a state of peace.  I’ve also entered my year of mentorship in Healing Touch International.  Confidently sharing HT with my family has created a dimension of loving support that I truly cherish.

Make a fresh start on self-care and come out of my protective shell strong and pain-free, owning my voice ~ Sometimes I still find myself struggling to keep up with those I admire, which usually means that I’m not keeping up with myself.  Sometimes I also hold back … waiting for someone else to catch up with me.

Now I’m better able to look at a situation objectively.   If I see that I’m not being balanced, productive, and healthy, I can decide whether it’s time to move forward, or to step away from a task or two.  When it’s time to step away, I generally do it with confidence, and always feel better when I know I’m being true to myself.

Celebrate my son’s success ~ He’s just an amazing young man.  There is nothing to do but celebrate the gift of his life and his presence.  He will go into this world and do wonderful things … I can’t wait!

Share love and healing with those who suffer, with those who’ve been kind, and those who need kindness ~ I’ve had opportunities to decide whether or not to help the bums, and I’ve had opportunities to give freely what I’ve learned in my Healing Touch training.  Sending and sharing love warms my heart.  Heightened awareness continues to open doors for my growth.

Write and create uninhibited, worrying less about money and trusting that living authentically will work out for my highest good.  Gather life lessons and turn them into authentic expressions of love ~ Well, when it comes right down to it, somebody has to worry about money … but I do let go of that worry, and devote as much time as possible to feeding my creativity … the more creative time I allow myself, the more possibilities unfold before me.  Magical, yes?

Enjoy autumn ~ Last weekend I hiked in the woods and rode my bike through the falling leaves.  Some nights I can’t take my eyes off of the clear harvest moon and sparkling stars.

Have an abundance of laughter, energy, and peace ~ On one of the wishcasts I read, I was so filled, and so busily writing about inspiration, and sunshiny happiness and gratitude, that I forgot to make a wish altogether.  It’s a fun post, though.  It seems the wish for happiness, healing, and creativity was granted without even being made.

I have beautiful memories of walking the streets of Paris in the early morning on our honeymoon , of afternoons at the spa, and of hot chocolate made with warm goat’s milk … always, I wish for more of such luxuriesbut they are just luxuries.  When I have an opportunity to enjoy them again, I will be delighted, and I will take in all that they offer.  Until then, I’ve plenty of worthwhile distractions to keep me busy.

The last of my wishes … cherish the gifts of today ~ I have a beautiful home and a precious husband who loves me very much.  I cherish my mom and dad, my brother and sisters.  My son is healthy and happy … and almost a college graduate!   His happiness strengthens me.  My circles continue to expand, with friends I’ve known for years, and with beautiful kindred spirits I’ve met this year online.  I am able to give love and healing.  I am able to create, even if it’s late into the night, or before work in the mornings.  Even on my sleepiest, most grumpy days, I can recognize these amazing gifts.  I am filled with gratitude.

So I ask you, my dear friends, to wish.  Write your wishes down, say them out loud, tell a friend who will say “As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.” Wishes really do come true.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.

Click here to read my previous Wishcasts…