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Wishcasting Wednesday: How do you wish to soar?

Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.

I’ve made a place, a beautiful page on my blog, to cradle my wishes and dreams.

Some weeks I answer her prompt, and some weeks I don’t quite get to it.  On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.

So here’s to my Wishcast for December 15, 2010 ~

Wishcasting Wednesday: How Do You Wish To Soar?

I wish to soar above the uncertainties, doubts, and fogginess that life sometimes presents.  I wish to soar above circumstances, and exist as a bird in the still, blue sky.

I wish to take in earth’s beauty from a new perspective, supported by gentle breezes … hovering in one place for as long as I need to, then swiftly swooping away.

Soaring with my flock, or taking a solo flight, I’ll touch down when and where I want to.  I’ll take only what I need, and leave the world a happier place when I lift up to the heavens again.

So, how do you wish to soar?

Leave a comment below…who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.

Click here to read my previous Wishcasts…

I also wish to thank Dare Darlington for the gorgeous picture….I’m so glad to have found just the right place to use it


  1. Beautiful. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
    Lori-Lyn recently posted..appreciate

  2. Soar high. As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Lucy recently posted..Gratitude Friday

  3. Oh my… that is a gorgeous picture…

    Loved this Jane “and leave the world a happier place…”

    As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    Sorry my post was not up when you stopped by… was going to get up earlier than I did to post it…sigh. Oh well. Happy Wednesday.

    Love, Peace & Christmas blessings,
    xoxo Valerie
    Valerie Hart recently posted..How Do You Wish To SOAR

  4. Dear Jane,

    Your wishes and words are beautifully expressed, the world is a happier place for the softest souls like you.

    I live near two large ponds and six smaller ones, we often see birds flying in v formation, they take it in turn, one leads for awhile then falls back to follow, this is lovely. This is how I see our on-line flock I’m soaring right alongside you.

    Thank you for sharing such lovely wishes,

    Love Sue x
    Sue Fox recently posted..Grateful for Mobility

  5. Oh, I just wanted to say one more thing, I just scrolled down my blog I’m so touched by all of your comments Thank you.


    A very big THANK YOU for giving me this idea! It has brought me such pleasure, I would never have thought of it on my own, just goes to show how we all need each other it’s wonderful when we soar together. x
    Sue Fox recently posted..Grateful for Mobility

    • Thanks for stopping by, Sue, and for your good wishes, too. I love the way the geese have it all worked out so beautifully!

      I’m so happy that you’re getting such pleasure from your calendar. It’s really beautiful, and I love seeing what you’re up to each day! What a great time of year to be sharing your gratitude and your lovely way of life, when so many others are bogged down at shopping malls and stuck in traffic!

      Have a great day …
      Love, Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

  6. I can feel you soaring, such a lovely description of your flight.
    As Jane wishes for herself so I wish for her.

    • Did you see Sue’s description of the birds flying in formation in her previous comment? I love that idea, that we’re all here, flying together, and taking turns supporting one-another.
      Have a lovely day!
      :) Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

    • Hi Tabitha,
      I sure enjoyed visiting your blog this morning. Have been traveling all day. A 3-hour trip took 6 today in the bad weather … but we made it here safely, to see my son graduate from Virginia Tech tomorrow! :)

      Thank you for stopping by, and for the happy wish!

  7. such a beautiful wish.. as u wish.. I wish for you also.. xo
    fargo nd

  8. love the imagery of soaring above uncertainties and doubts. as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also.
    Marilyn recently posted..reverb 10 – 5 minutes

  9. An inspiring wish, Jane. As you wish for yourself so do I wish for you. I love the imagery you create of soaring – it is uplifting, full of the possible and the spiritual. Thank you for always inspiring.
    Katie recently posted..Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift- You

    • Hi Katie! Happy to see you! Thanks for the wish …

      Perhaps the lovely thing about being uplifted is that it isn’t an independent action. Birds need air pressure to stay aflight. We rely on the love and support of others. I love that we’re all here together ~
      Take good care, Katie,

      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

  10. Wonderful wish! And I think breaking free of our own doubts and shackles can be such an amazing feat.

    As Jane wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
    Mare recently posted..Day 14- Reverb 10 Appreciate

    • Hi Mare, Thank you so much for stopping by, and for the wishes! Sometimes we can simply walk away from the doubts and shackles, and sometimes it does feel more like breaking free! Not sure which is more empowering, but both liberating in their own right.
      Thank you for the new imagery to work with in the next steps on my journey ~
      Take good care,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

  11. I wish to soar to meet myself at my highest love – where nought but joy and truth touch the heart and my words, actions and aura speaks only love. It is a person I wish to be and amy trying hard to fly and reach. I wish everyone else all the love in the world this Christmas especially you Jane for your light that is so true and gentle. May your holidays be blissful.
    John Sherry recently posted..The Best Time Of Day To Be Brilliant – Revealed!

    • Thank you, John, for your kindness, and your tender words. Your heart continues to expand, and embrace the world. Thank you for all that you give. The world is a brighter place for us.
      Merry Christmas to you …
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

  12. Dear Jane,

    It was so nice to meet you on Tess Marshall’s blog. I love your site!

    I love your wish and wish for you as well. As I think about how I wish to soar it is with the wisdom that mistakes are necessary and the courage to make new ones so I can learn. For in learning, I grow. And in growing, I soar.

    Peggy recently posted..Ground Hog Day

    • Oh, Peggy, I’m so glad to see you again … thank you for coming by! Thank you for the wish!

      I love learning to embrace mistakes …the spirituality of imperfection! As Peggy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

      Take special care, Peggy,
      ~ Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- How do you wish to soar

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