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Month: January 2011

How to Pick a Workout Partner, and 14 Reasons Why My Dog is My Favorite Hiking Buddy!

    I love, LOVE, taking my sweet doggie, Annie, to the woods for a run!  As much as I love it, I know Annie loves it even more!
    Today when she was running (and I was walking), I thought of many reasons she has earned the title ~ “My Favorite Hiking Buddy!”  Keep them in mind when you’re picking a workout partner …

    1.  She’s always ready to go ~ I never have to wait for her to fit a run into her schedule or change into her workout clothes. “Ready to go for a run?” is all it takes!

    2.  She doesn’t waste time with pre-workout stretches ~ As soon as she jumps out of the car, she’s ready to go.  She has a strong, lean body, and can run incredibly fast.  She runs huge circles in the woods, and circles back to me every few minutes for a “check-in”.

    3.  She loves our workout routine, and so do I ~ Annie is so strong that I have a hard time walking her on a leash (besides, we both get really bored leash-walking).  Taking her to the woods without a leash and letting her run full steam ahead is perfect!  Happy, happy girls!

    4.  She never gets tired ~ She runs and runs and runs and runs …….. and runs.

    5.  She scouts ahead to make sure everything is safe ~ There have been times when she blocks my path.  If I insist on going around her she’ll run up and block my path again.  If I try for a third time to go ahead on the trail, she will head back in the opposite direction, and stand there and wait for me to come with her.  Though she usually runs those huge happy loops through the woods, on these occasions, when she’s watching out for me, she stays within 10 yards.  She looks back frequently to make sure I’m following, until we get back to the car.  Good doggie ~

    6.  She doesn’t lag behind ~ I never have to wait for her to catch up, and she never complains that I’m going too fast.

    7.  She saves me from getting lost ~ There are alot of trails where we hike.  During the summer, they’re pretty obvious, with green underbrush on both sides.  During the fall and winter it can be easy to lose the trail.  When Annie senses that I’ve gotten off the trail and am trying to find it, she stands on the trail until I come to her, and then she’s off again!

    8.  She’s never far away ~ Even though she runs her big happy circles, she’s usually back by my side within 10 seconds when I call her.  She’s alert, protective, and very fast.

    9.  She makes me happy ~ Her speed, agility, and strength are awesome to watch.  I love the energy on her face when she comes running full speed toward me, and then stops just inches in front of me … or better yet, does a fly-by, and just brushes my knee.

    10. She makes sure I get over obstacles safely ~ If we have a deep ditch to cross, or like today, two big trees had fallen in the path.  She leaps like an antelope, crossing effortlessly, showing me the easiest way to cross, and then turns back to watch me.  Because I don’t leap like an antelope anymore, she comes back and stands at my feet, waiting until I’m safely walking again before she takes off.  Today she crossed the two trees, then came back to the first tree until I was across, and then jumped the second, and came back and waited until I was across.  Isn’t she the best?

    11. She doesn’t initiate mindless chatter while we walk ~ In-fact, she prefers that we don’t really talk much at all.  No uncomfortable silences, no conversations about things I don’t care about … we each dream about whatever makes us happy while we’re out in the woods.  Life is good.

    12. She’s curious ~ She stops to stick her nose in rotten tree stumps, and puts her whole head in the stream to see what’s on the bottom, and is fascinated with turtles.  She watches and listens as if she doesn’t want to miss a thing.

    13. She warns me of “dangerous creatures” on the path ~ Bicyclists and people on horseback really get her stirred up!  She runs back to tell me.  (Really, she just wants to stand close to me, and let me hold onto her until they pass ~ but she’s a German Shepherd mix, so let’s just let her believe she’s doing her job.)

    14. She comes home and crashes ~ I love a sleeping doggie.

Thank you, Annie, for your friendship ~ You certainly are “My Favorite Hiking Buddy!”

Take good care,

Please tell us about your favorite workout buddy in the comments ~ it’s such fun to picture everyone doing what they do in their everyday lives!