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Month: March 2011

For the Love of Summer: A Young Mother Needs Your Help

~ In memory of Summer S. Kolesar, April 12, 2011

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a project, not really understanding why ~ but knowing that it fills you to the core of your being?

The title of this painting is Hope.  I painted it this weekend for a silent auction to be held for the benefit of Summer Kolesar, a young mother of three who lives in Asheville.  Click here to read her story.  Here’s an excerpt :

On the same day as she found out she was pregnant with her third child, she also found out she might be dealing with cervical cancer. A few months later, after giving up her diet and lifestyle consultation and event business, Summer was staring down a very grave decision:  She had cervical cancer, and was pregnant and her oncologist wanted her to begin treatment immediately, which would have included aborting her 14 week old baby. This was the best chance for her survival, she was told. This was the best chance to live a long happy life with her two daughters, husband and family. After seeing her tiny baby on an ultrasound, so full of life, moving his little limbs, the decision could not have been clearer:  She may have a better chance of survival if she took the treatment right away, as doctor ordered, but she would not want to live with herself if she took away this little soul’s precious opportunity to have a life.

Summer chose to pursue alternative treatments and to keep baby Darshan, who has now been on this beautiful earth for a year and a half.  Summer’s journey continues, as do the incredible expenses of her treatments.

The goal of the silent auction, and the coming days is to raise $10,000 for her care and vitally needed treatment. If you have any to spare, or if you are able to share Summer’s story with anyone and everyone … please do.  Just as Summer takes each new day closer to recovery, each day incurs still more expense.  It is challenging and expensive to raise three children ~ can you imagine raising three children while undergoing such intense treatments, while her husband must work in another state to pay some bills?

We’ve  each had experiences with cancer, but we dare not lump them all together. Each story is intimate and unique.  With each diagnosis, there is a mother, a husband, a child, a friend, who is frightened, grieving, worried.  Each diagnosis means that a doctor sat face to face with a human spirit and broke the news.  The statistics are staggering, and yet we must be careful not to dismiss this disease as part of life today.

So, perhaps my stories are part of the reason I am so drawn to Summer’s journey.  Empathy and compassion saturate my being.   There have been too many times when I’ve wanted to help someone and couldn’t.  I was too frightened, too uncomfortable, too uncertain, or simply didn’t feel it was my place. Now I know, that if I’m led, it’s my place.  I feel privileged to give this painting, this small contribution, to help this young mother overcome cancer, take one step closer to the miracle, and enjoy life with her children.

United prayers and healing energies bring miracles.  I hope you will offer your prayers, your healing energies, and light for this precious girl.

Please spread the word. Post, tweet, share, email, whatever it takes.  We all know that there’s a ton of money floating around out there.  I pray that we can bring some of it, enough, Summer’s way.

To support Summer please visit her support page at

or contact me personally at teenytinypieces (at), or follow and contact Sage Sansone at for updates.

I know that many of you are amazing artists!  Please let me know if you would like to donate a piece of your artwork!

To my blogging friends, can you consider offering a percentage of your ebook sales to the silent auction?

Every gift, every offering is cherished and appreciated.

Take special good care, okay?


* This post has doubled this week as my “Wishcasting Wednesday” post.  For those of you who visit each Wednesday to share and support wishes … your Wishcasting comments are always welcome!   Hugs ~ Jane