Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.
I’ve made a place, a beautiful page on my blog, to cradle my wishes and dreams.
Some weeks I answer her prompt, and some weeks I don’t quite get to it. On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.
So here’s to my Wishcast for April 13, 2011 ~
Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Read?
Has anyone ever asked you a question, and you new the answer, just as easily as you know your own name?
This morning Jamie asked “What do you wish to read?” I knew the answer right away! The best part is, I know that by wishing it here, on Wishcasting Wednesday, it will come true. Wishes, prayers, or simply heightened awareness … Wishcasting makes things happen!
I wish to read the free ebook written by my friend, Angela Artemis, of Powered by Intuition. I am fascinated by intuitive processes, and continue to work toward listening more deeply. It’s an absolutely free download, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet!
Angela and I have spoken several times by phone. She has given me some incredible insight for this amazing journey I’m on, and has become a beautiful and supportive part of my story. I love uncovering, discovering, and chatting with her about all the goodness this life has to offer!
If you have a minute, hop over to poweredbyintuition.com and see what Angela’s up to.
So, what do you wish to read?
Leave a comment below…who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.
Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.
Click here to read my previous Wishcasts…
I also wish to thank Dare Darlington for the gorgeous picture….I’m so glad to have found just the right place to use it ♥
Oh my goodness. I’m so touched that you’d share my book here. Wow – you have no idea how wonderful you’ve made me feel! I hope you’ve found it helpful to read the book and do some of the “lessons” I included in the book too. It’s my absolute pleasure to be part of your journey – that we’re all on together.
I’ve just finished writing a much longer book than the 45 page free one. I’m editing it now and hope to be finished with that process by the end of the week. I will send you one of the first copies as soon as it rolls off the press. I promise!
Angela Artemis recently posted..Troubleshooting- The 9 Biggest Blocks to Intuition
That’s wonderful, Angela! Your time in Sedona must’ve really helped you to move forward with your writing! It sounds like this will be a print book, is that right?
We have some catching up to do.
Here’s to your wishes and dreams come true! :)
Take good care ~
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Read
Thanks for the link. Happy reading!
As Jane wishes forherself, so I wish for her also.
Paula – Buenos Aires recently posted..What do you wish to read
Hi Paula! Thanks for the wishes! Looking forward to priming my intuitive pump! :)
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Read
Hi Jane,
I will look into this book:) One of my favorite things in the world is reading…I always have a book in every room to pick up and enjoy. And now that I have a Kindle, I find that I still have several different genres on that….and continue to read different things…in different rooms! (kind of my reading fung shui!
Right now, I want to get back to Conscious Dreaming, by Robert Moss: http://bit.ly/i9LIFB
I wish for your wish to come true:)
Susan recently posted..Exercise- Ego and Encouragement
Well, I have to say that I love books, but I don’t always read them. Though when I find one that I love, I’m likely to read it again, and then hold onto it for years!
So, you and Tess are both taking about your Kindles … maybe I’ll check into that.
Conscious Dreaming sounds nice ~ enjoy!
(PS It was so good to talk to you today! thanks for calling!)
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Read
Yeah for you and for Angela’s book! I just downloaded “Naked, Drunk and Writing” on my new Kindle. Sounds wild. Suppose to be good!
Tess The Bold Life recently posted..100 Best Posts- By Top Personal Growth Authors Motivating Inspiring & Personal Growth
Holey Moley, Tess! That sounds like fun! Uninhibited writing at its best (or worst?!) :)
I’ve been meaning to email, but in the meantime, take good care, okay?
Jane Rochelle recently posted..Wishcasting Wednesday- What Do You Wish To Read
I would wish to read my emotions and feelings so that I know and understand myself inside out. That way I can be a best seller to myself. I don’t want the content to be different to the cover. And I’m working on it….
John Sherry recently posted..Why Life Changing Inspiration Happens When You Least Expect
Enjoy the read, John ~ in this case, there’s no need to rush through to see what happens on the last page … there’ll always be another volume to come.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also ~
:) Jane