… and what would the world be like if we stopped saying …
You are good, you are bad.
You pass, you fail.
… and
Instead of you pass, and you fail, we ask “What would you really like to share?” “What is it that you’d like to teach?” “What is your offering?”
What have you learned that you can teach others?
What are your gifts, your insights, your golden thoughts … the ones you’ve been told to keep quiet, to push back, and to hide away because they aren’t good enough, educated enough, valid-enough. Because you aren’t enough.
… and instead of haves and have-nots … there is a sense of the whole. Those who have experience and knowledge share freely, so that others can simply ask for what they wish to learn …
… and there is balance.
I like your pass fail approach. Too many people fail because they never get any appoval for any thing they do. We have some San Francisco Bay rocks that have positive power. Various colors for various needs. You will have to determine the You Pass rocks and Which are the You Fail rocks. Don’t discard the You Fail rocks in you garden. Nothing will grow in it if you do. Enjoyed a wonderful trip. Look forward to another one on the 15th.
Yay! Oh, they’re all awesome rocks, and I can’t wait to see them! They all have something to offer … they’ve been rolling around this universe for millions of years, after all! Funny that mom knew what I was asking for even before I said it.
Can’t wait ’til our next trip! The mountains are waiting!!
Love you Dad!
Jane Rochelle recently posted..You Pass, You Fail
… and I’m afraid you could be right ~ the rocks I judge “You Fail” could keep anything from growing in my garden. Not because the rocks are failures, but because they were told that they were failures … even after their millions of years of wisdom … nobody believed in them.
Jane Rochelle recently posted..You Pass, You Fail
I have just been made more aware of how unaccepting many conservatives, of any ilk, are of any remote possibility of different thinking and how they constantly are looking for someone outside their “realm” to blame for the ills of the world. Their arms rarely reach out to enfold but only straight up in praise of the one who taught enfolding. these are my long-held secret thoughts today.
The Color Gray
-Joy S. Barefoot
is all about the color, gray,
parts of opposites
pulled from both ends of the spectrum.
Somewhere near one end
is to be desired
and too near the other, dreaded.
Purity . . .
desecration . . .
is all about the color, gray.
Blame is of little use. When we blame, we remain powerless to make any change … when it’s someone else’s fault, we’re relieved of the burden, and of the responsibility for finding creative solutions.
I didn’t want to read “Writing Down the Bones” because I I didn’t like the title, and I didn’t like the picture on the front of the book. When I got past that judgment and read the book, it changed my life.
When I am free from blame and judgment, preconceived ideas about what is or is not worthy … I find that I am a step closer to wholeness. I am ultimately closer to balance.
Love you Mom! ~ and thank you for the rocks <3
Jane Rochelle recently posted..You Pass, You Fail
That is a beautiful photo up there. Goes very well with the lovely words, too. :)
Lindsay | The Daily Awe recently posted..What to do when your spirit guides won’t talk to you
Thanks so much for stopping by, Lindsay ~ so glad you like the photo. I took it at a very spiritual place, very close to my heart, just as are the words on this post.
Take good care,
Jane Rochelle recently posted..You Pass, You Fail
For me Jane you can’t fail if you pass it on – what you’ve learnt, what you’ve experienced, what’s in your heart, what you know deep inside, who you are. We won’t pass this way again so pass on your richness by being yourself and showing the world something that matters. You!
John Sherry recently posted..What To Do When You Are In-Between
Well said ~ we each have plenty to teach, and plenty to learn. Our hearts, minds, and spirits are so completely full and valuable … we are, already, so much more than “enough”.
Enjoy your September suntan! :)
Jane Rochelle recently posted..You Pass, You Fail