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Month: October 2011

The Girl Effect

Recently I’ve noticed myself saying things like “We love you,” and “We’re proud of you”. The strange thing is that I’ve said it when there was no “we” … only me.

I’m not sure where this came from, or what it means. Perhaps some new awareness within me, as I comprehend, more and more, that we are all connected.  We are the same.

When part of humanity hurts, we all hurt. When part of humanity is abused or neglected, so are we all.

This concept of ‘one-ness’ has been bouncing around in my noggin’ for a few weeks now. This is the first chance I’ve had to write it down.

This is also the week that Tara Sophia Mohr invites us to share The Girl Effect. It’s a campaign designed to spread the word about the dangerous realities that girls in underdeveloped countries face every day, including today.  Six hundred million girls … poverty, degradation, and disease.

Girls in underdeveloped countries … girls just like us … we are the same.

… and while six hundred million is an incomprehensible number, I have to wonder, what if that number were just six.  Six girls.  How many people would gladly lend a hand to help six girls.  How is it that when the number becomes beyond comprehension, we are less likely to help.  How is it that helping just one, out of six hundred million, isn’t good-enough?

Perhaps this short video will help.  It certainly opened my eyes.

Want to help?

Spread the word, give a donation, read other Girl Effect posts, or wrote a post of your own.

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