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Month: July 2012

Letting Go of That Which No Longer Serves Me

I have a short few minutes to write this morning before scooting out the door to work.

I had a good run this morning.  It’s hot here in Raleigh, but the mornings and evenings have been tolerable, and compared to those without power due to recent storms, I’m tremendously lucky and grateful.

As I ran, I thought about the many good things that are happening in my life.  I had a more clear understanding of ‘falling away’.

Recently, I’ve experienced shifts in relationships, behaviors, situations.  I’ve really just been letting them go, without much resistance at all.  All the while, I didn’t even realize that this letting go was creating more space in my life for goodness … more peace and balance.

When my life and my mind are filled with good things, there is little room for the unpleasantries of life. When hopes and dreams are honored, they gain strength … all else fades.

On Saturday I had the privilege of spending the day with a group of beautiful women at “An Afternoon of Healing Arts”.  It was an event that two friends and I hosted, to bring area women together to simply enjoy an afternoon of creativity, community, and healing.  There were no expectations, for any of us … simply come and be in a space of support.

I can’t think of a time when I’ve seen a group of women more enjoying their feminine element, relaxing, enjoying, and receiving.  I have to say, it was really incredible, for all of us …

Since this is a quickie post, hop over to my facebook page @Jane Barefoot Rochelle, and see the pictures, and feel free to leave your words of encouragement.

Also, another bit of goodness that has developed is that I’m starting a “First Friday’s” artist interview.  Each month I’ll feature an artist who has influenced or inspired me.  This Friday I’m featuring Elizabeth Nelson!  Such an amazing woman!!  My wish is to write more about that tomorrow, so check in on Wishcasting Wednesday for more info.

I’m letting go of that which no longer serves me.  Bit by bit, I realize that the goodness that is seeping in more than fills the spaces left behind.  Perhaps it’s somewhat replacing dried up, cracking grout with fresh, clean grout.  It looks awesome, fills the spaces beautifully, and serves the purpose it was intended to serve.

Have a beautiful day lovelies,

Biggest hugs and good wishes to each of you,