I have some special news for you today!
Several years ago I made a goal for myself ~ I wanted to provide distance energy work (Healing Touch) to someone on each of the 7 continents.
You see, a big part of the work that I do is with clients and loved ones that live far away. Because I work with energy (which travels infinitely) ~ the work I do in Raleigh, North Carolina, travels wherever I intend for it to go. It isn’t magic … it’s a perfect blend of science and spirituality.
In 2011 I offered 30 days of free Healing Touch distance work. In those 30 days, I offered more than 70 sessions to clients all over the United States, and a few from Australia and Europe.
I realized how much I loved the work, and better yet, how incredibly effective the therapy was. It simply did not matter whether my clients were in the room with me, or halfway around the world!
That’s when I made my goal ~ to offer a Healing Touch session on every continent. I didn’t set a time frame, I just knew that if I put it out there, and kept doing my good work, it would eventually happen.
So ~ North America, Australia, and Europe … done!
To help spread the word I did my first audio interview with my friend, Angela Artemis, who writes Powered By Intuition. It was a fun interview, and the word began to spread. (Thank you, Angela, you are love and light!)
I worked with a young father in Singapore who thought 13,000 miles might be a challenge for me. The biggest challenge was our time schedules. I believe we did a 5:30 pm US Eastern time session, so that he would be resting at his home in Singapore at 5:30 am, before his young children were up and active for the day. Singapore, Asia, done!
South America ~ through the wonderful interconnectedness of Facebook, I offered a sweet session to a client in Buenos Aires. I was staying at my sister’s river house in Virginia at the time … and offered the session by the river. What a beautiful morning! South America, done!
With Africa and Antarctica to go, I began trying to find someone in Antarctica who might be willing. I knew absolutely no-one there, so it truly was blind emails to random people to simply see if they’d give it a shot. No, no, and no ~ (“I don’t believe in that stuff, do not contact me again!” LOL) Okay, so I decided I’d put Antarctica on the back burner.
For the next couple of years I was very busy with family, self care, and growing my art and Healing touch practice. Still, the seed was there, and I knew that someday I’d get back to it. I knew Africa was do-able, but just didn’t know how I’d find someone in Antarctica.
So this year, just before Christmas, I was at an art show and had made acquaintance with the woman in the next booth. I happened to hear her mention to someone that her good friend was living in Antarctica for a while …. PING!! My whole body reacted! “I need to talk to you ~ ” So we talked, and she she thought he’d be open to distance work … he was ~ and ANTARCTICA, DONE! (there is a bigger story with this one ~ for another time)
I knew Africa would come ~ we’re a very interconnected world. I am a huge follower of LION LOVERS on Facebook, for heavens sake. These people live in Africa and take photos of gorgeous lions every day! Probably all I’d need to do is ask.
In the meantime, a week of travel, and a sweet visit with my cousin, who just over a year ago went … on safari … in Africa ~ in our catching up, the pieces fell together and we instantly realized that she would be the one to help me with this last session ~ the one to Africa.
So this morning I will complete the last of the 7 continents ~ “Laura”, who lives in Maua, Kenya, has sent her list of things she’d like help with ~ stress, depression, a sore ankle, and sciatica.
This morning, with a heart full of joy, delight, and so much gratitude for each person who has asked to receive, I offer this work. Thank you for joining me in sending good wishes, your most positive energy and love to “Laura”, in Africa ~ done!
Would you like to receive energy work? ~ I recently began a group that has turned into something truly special! I provide a long-distance session each Monday for clients from around the world. Throughout the week, members check-in with love and support for one-another.
Because I want everyone who wishes, to be able to receive, it is completely donation-based. Click Here or hop over to the Weekly Glow tab at the top of the page for more info on how to join in!
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