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Maybe it’s what we get

It feels like a different lifetime … when this little blog started.

There were alot of words that needed an outlet. Alot of teenytinypieces that would surely pave my path to wholeness. One of my coworkers had started a blog. If she could do it, surely so could I. So I did.

So many mornings I’d get up early in Raleigh, and go to the back yard where warm air, birdsong, and grass under my feet most always ignited the words that asked to be written. I’d write as much as I could, search for a gorgeous photo to accompany the words, and then head off to work with my amazing coworkers at NC State.

Life was simple, and heartbreakingly complicated. I was a sponge soaking up all that I’d never known existed beyond my southwest Virginia bubble. A lifetime of things to learn, and not enough time or money to take it all in, but I did my best.

I read books and met authors, I visited galleries and took art classes, I met people who would change my life and cooked food that nourished my soul, Annie and I spent alot of time in the woods hiking, and hugging trees. I learned to use my hands to heal myself, and others, I found spirituality in imperfection and unconditional love from women who still fill my heart.

As I learned, I began teaching art, hosting healing circles, and keeping my head, hands, and heart as close as I could to the women who taught me everything along the way. It was a time of growing, of learning about who I am, and about how I wanted to live.

Still, it’s how I want to live.

Today, I needed to remember this.

So this is what you get on a snowy winter morning … my reminiscing. My appreciation for anyone who has read or been here. For anyone who finds some of those old posts of value. This is what you get.

And maybe, it’s what I get too. Maybe on this snowy day I’ll go back and read some of those Wishcasting Wednesdays, and read about walking barefoot in the grass. Maybe I’ll remember what it was like to live like I desperately needed healing.

Take special good care. I hope to be back soon.


Photo by Jen P. on Unsplash

One Comment

  1. Connie Wright Stanley Connie Wright Stanley

    Thank you.
    Connie Stanley

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