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Recovery Seeds … Be Aware of Your Pain

Recovery Seeds for December 2010

Wednesday, December 1

Pay attention to things that bring you pain, anxiety, or concern today.  Your body, mind, and spirit.  What’s nagging?  What do you continue to push to the back burner?

Begin a path of recovery by raising your awareness to the things that need your loving attention.  Is it a stiff aching joint, a resentment you’ve refused to face, a painful raw emotion?

For today, become aware of your pain.

“Our very life depends on everything’s recurring ’til we answer from within.”  Robert Frost

I’m wishing you wellness and tender, healing nourishment,
Take good care,


To learn why I created Recovery Seeds, visit Introducing Recovery Seeds … Daily Mini-Posts to Support Your Wellness Journey.

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  1. I’m hearing what you are saying, thank you for the reminder. I’m having to focus on some extra ‘self care’ at the moment.

    Sue x
    Sue Fox recently posted..Advent Calendar of Gratitude

    • Hi Sue,
      Self-care and focus are both good words! :) I’m glad to hear them from you. Even if we do just a little each day, we’ll make improvements to our well-being.
      Take good care,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Recovery Seeds &8230 Be Aware of Your Pain

  2. …pushing the need to really focus on my schedule:) Want to resist and goof-off, but need to get a few things accomplished…
    Susan recently posted..Take a risk…everyday

  3. Besides being aware we also need to recognize that some things are in our control and some are not. Then by dealing with the things that we have power to change we will grow and thrive. But if we obsess about things that we have no power to change we will just become frustrated and discouraged.
    Tarheel Rambler recently posted..The Organ Recital

    • Yes, you’re so right! It’s important to take the time to recognize what we have the power to change, as well as the areas over which we’re powerless. Considering areas that need change, without being obsessive is a good place to start.

      Sometimes just noting the time of day we feel our best or our worst can shed a little light on ways to make improvements.

      Thanks for stopping by,
      and wishing you much wellness!
      ~ Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Recovery Seeds &8230 Be Aware of Your Pain

  4. dia dia

    Hi Jane,

    Very nice post! We really do have to pay attention to our thoughts and the things that cause us pain and worry. When we are aware of our feelings, we can make sure that we choose feelings that are positive and healthy. Thanks for sharing
    dia recently posted..How to deal with a stubborn person

    • Hi Dia,
      Thanks for stopping by! Sometimes we become so busy trying to make it, day to day, that we don’t take time to listen to our heart, mind, and body. When we can slow down enough to pay attention, we begin to make way for solutions.

      I hopped over to your blog … you’ve got a ton of great information there. I’ve subscribed and look forward to reading your posts.

      Take good care, :)
      ~ Jane

  5. I love the idea of recovery seeds, especially when they are as insightful as this one. I have chosen this post to be featured on “Living by Design loves…” this Saturday. Thank you for a great blog.
    Ananga – Living by Design recently posted..How Mindful Walking Can Help You Relax

  6. Hi Ananga,
    Thanks so much for your kind words. My one goal with Recovery Seeds is to make a difference in peoples lives … thank you so much for sharing with your readers on Saturday. I’m looking forward to seeing the post.

    Your blog is beautiful, brings a sense of peace as soon as it opens on the screen :)

    Take good care,
    ~ Jane

  7. Jane,
    What a lovely post. You’re so right to point out that we need to take a minute to see what’s nagging at us, or causing us pain. If we don’t deal with it now it’ll continue to “poison the waters” of everything we attempt to do. Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention.
    Angela Artemis recently posted..Why You’re Hard Wired to Receive Information Intuitively

    • “Poison the waters” is a perfect way to describe it (mind if I borrow that) :)

      When we’re having difficulty but don’t know why …. really why, it’s very difficult to turn a positive corner.

      I’m hoping that some readers will begin to see the true origin of their difficulties, and begin their journey to happiness and health.

      Thanks for stopping by, Angela … it’s great to see you, always!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..Recovery Seeds &8230 Just One Small Thing

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