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Recovery Seeds … Our Bodies Need to Move, Here’s A Great Place to Start

Last updated on 01/10/2011

Recovery Seeds for January 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Last week I joined Mary Jaksch’s fitness challenge.  I quickly came to understand that it was going to take a bit of creativity, and a great deal of patience with myself, to make progress in the challenge.

By the weekend, I had come to a standstill and the cold weather had returned, so I decided to look online for a yoga video.

I haven’t done any formal yoga for quite a long time, except to do a few of the stretches I most enjoyed from time to time.  I was happy to find a simple and free video at on youtube.

I picked a beginner video, and did it. I’m quite sure my form was laughable, but I did it … and it felt good. Sometimes just the act of trying, just moving, changes our state, allowing us to take yet another step forward.

After the short yoga session, I wanted a bit more, so also did a short relaxation video.

If you haven’t tried yoga, or voice-guided relaxation before, give it a shot. It’s free … no gym membership required.  Remember not to judge yourself.  Do what you can.  If your body feels very inflexible, you might find that the next time it’s a little bit easier.

“Be free all worthy spirits, and stretch yourselves, for greatness and for height.” George Chapman

I’m wishing you wellness and tender, healing nourishment,
Take good care,


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I heard a friend say recently that relationships are like packages.

There will never be a perfect relationship. There will never be a perfect package. But, if you love the overall package, you learn to work with the imperfections.

When we find ways to live with imperfections in ourselves, in others, in our relationships, we realize a new level of serenity.

Give your relationships as much loving kindness and compassion as you’re capable of giving.  Love your package … dented corners, peeling tape, and all.

“It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others.”  Joseph Addison

I’m wishing you wellness and tender, healing nourishment,
Take good care,


Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome ~

It’s great to be writing Recovery Seeds again.  I’m refreshed after a short break, and am also excited about a new format we’ll try in January.

My plan for January is to add new Recovery Seed posts at the top of this page, rather than keeping each one separate.  You’ll find each new Recovery Seed here, until the end of the month, when we’ll begin a new page.

I’m also still deciding whether to continue posting daily, or whether to post several times a week. If you have opinions about how often you’d like for me to post, please let me know.

So … it’s a new year.  The past is behind us.  It’s a good time to consider our habits, both good and bad, and evaluate which we’ll nurture, and which we’ll toss.

I love the photo I found for this month.  The milkweed pod is opened, lying on a snowy blanket. The feathery tassels just waiting to be plucked by a cold wind, or perhaps by a hungry chickadee, and the seed is off to begin life anew.

Begin life anew. Extend your tassels and allow the winds of change to carry you to a better place.  The seed is within you, waiting for a new beginning.

” From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. ”  Aeschylus

I’m wishing you wellness and tender, healing nourishment,
Take good care,


To learn why I created Recovery Seeds, visit Introducing Recovery Seeds … Daily Mini-Posts to Support Your Wellness Journey.

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  1. Jane,
    I think the cold weather has me thinking of doing yoga too. You’re right there’s something about moving the body that does make us feel so good. It does, as you say, change our state. I’m going to search for a yoga station on cable. If I find a good one I’ll share it with you.
    Angela Artemis recently posted..How a Psychic Detective “Sees Without Seeing”

  2. Hi Angela,
    I’ve been managing chronic pain for over a decade. Sometimes better than others. I can certainly say that when I’m moving, I feel better, even if it’s just regular stretching. Many factors affect the way I feel, but exercise is really key. My guess is that there are many people out there who suffer from the effects of inactivity, and don’t even realize it. I’d love free resources. (searching for a free yoga video online was quite educational … not all, professional, you might say) :)
    Jane Rochelle recently posted..Recovery Seeds &8230 Our Bodies Need to Move- Here&8217s A Great Place to Start

  3. Hi Jane,

    I must endorse your recommendation to practice yoga!!! About four years ago when I was in a highly stressed situation, not of my own making I must add, I started to practice yoga. I was visiting my GP for help with this ongoing situation, there were no ‘talking therapies’ available at the time, she suggested I research stress. I did this on-line and through self-help literature. Both of these avenues have brought me to where I am today a much better place. The stress-or didn’t go away but after some practice I became better equipped to deal with it!

    I could go on forever extolling the virtues of yoga practice! Have you got access to Body in Balance the all day yoga channel? This is wonderful too!

    Love Sue x
    Sue Fox recently posted..Sunday St-u-m-b-l-i-n-g towards Ecstasy

    • As wonderful as talking therapies can be, I truly believe that our bodies will never be at their best unless we’re moving them. Humans have survived by moving from the time we were created. Our generation has really gotten used to inactivity … detrimental to us as individuals and as a whole.

      I’ll check on the yoga channel. I haven’t heard of it, but am glad I’ve re-introduced the practice in my life. I did another session last night :)

      Take good care, Sue,
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..How to Pick a Workout Partner- and 14 Reasons Why My Dog is My Favorite Hiking Buddy!

  4. Hi Jane,

    I signed up for the fitness challenge, but I just have other priorities. Plus I’m in fairly good shape aerobically and strength-wise, but if I don’t get back into my normal routines soon my butt will be scraping the floor lol I had a bunch of life changes in recent years, that’s how I got out of what feels “normal” for me.

    Maybe I’ll try to yoga site you mentioned. I get my daily fast walk most days, about 30-40 minutes with the dogs, plus occasionally weights or sit-up type stuff, but it’s cold! I’ve been skipping days, and walking isn’t enough for me anyways.

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Leah McClellan recently posted..Declutter Your Mind- 3 Tips For More Peace

    • 5 years ago I was in the best physical condition of my life. I’d love to get part of that back. Life changes will do that to us, won’t they!? I’d love to get a 40 minute walk in, daily … since moving to North Carolina, I haven’t found a place that I enjoy walking, except for the woods where I take Annie hiking (and I haven’t been able to go until January because hunters are there in the fall) so, glad to be back in the woods!!
      Try the yoga, sometime when you’ve got 15 minutes to do something nice for yourself. :)
      Take good care, Leah, and give your doggies a scratch behind the ears for me!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..How to Pick a Workout Partner- and 14 Reasons Why My Dog is My Favorite Hiking Buddy!

  5. Edrie Edrie

    Jane, I agree on the importance of moving the body and on the cold of January. I decided to invest in a Wii Fitness Plus with balance board. I have yoga tapes, Pilates tapes, balance balls, etc; but never the motivation to work out at home. For me, the Wii has been a great investment. I’ve worked out from 46 minutes to 2 hours a day, skipping only 4 days in the past 24. That is outstanding for me. I’ve made up my own yoga routine on the Wii and it is now up to 29 minutes. (I add a new pose to the routine after day I choose that routine. I like the feedback and encouragement. If I were a self-motivated home exerciser, I’d never have considered it; perhaps the investment is another reason I feel the need to use it–lol.

    • Wow, that’s great! We thought about getting a Wii, but haven’t committed to it. So glad you’re enjoying yours, and getting some Edrie-time! :) I love the yoga-building feature … might have to check that out!
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..All I Can Promise is that I Will Change

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