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So Close We Can Almost Touch It

Are you working diligently on a project, on a life change, or on a personal transformation?  Are you almost there?

Working relentlessly on things you don’t really care much about is hard work. That kind of work doesn’t feed your energy or  nourish your soul.  It suffocates your spirit and saps your strength.

Working hard on things that you love, things you’d do for free any day of the week … that isn’t work.  That’s life. We keep putting one foot in front of the other, making our way.  We don’t always know where we’re going.  Sometimes the journey takes unexpected twists.  We delight in the experiences along the way.

We’re getting there, one step at a time.  Your dream is as real as you envision it.

I was in my backyard this week, basking under the almost-full moon.  Soaking up the beautiful light and energy of this earth, of God’s creation.  I was saying my thank you’s.  Sometimes that’s all I know to say … there is nothing more.

I reached for the moon, and I almost touched it.


    • Hi Tess ~
      Those moments when we’re enveloped in that beautiful, limitless energy are amazing, aren’t they?!

      I’m keepin’ it going this weekend. We just finished our second day of painting in Chapel Hill. It’s a beautiful experience! Day 3 tomorrow!

      I’m so glad you love your tiny painting, and so glad that it has such a loving home!

      xo! Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..So Close We Can Almost Touch It

  1. Jane,
    I’m stretching, stretching, stretching my fingers too! I can almost feel it.

    Thank you for inspiring me to keep on going forward – even though at times I feel like falling down into a puddle!

    • Stretch, Angela! There’s so much good for you to do in this big world! Can’t wait ’til we’re each holding the moon gently in the palm of our hand.

      Frank and I are in an intuitive painting class this weekend ~ I’m loving it! Will let you know more later!

      Jane Rochelle recently posted..So Close We Can Almost Touch It

  2. Lucky you:) My husband told the kids he was going out for crackers…to break off a hunk of the “cheese” that was hanging at the end of the street:)
    Susan recently posted..Dream of Hawk

    • The moon is slowly disappearing … hope they don’t eat it all up! It is truly amazing how sometimes the moon seems so full you could almost grab it … like plucking an orange from a tree. I remember the first time I saw that the sliver of a moon wasn’t a sliver at all, but a whole circle! (don’t think I knew what a sphere was then) I was a little freaked, and amazed, and fascinated … maybe all three still apply.

  3. I like that: “Working hard on things that you love, things you’d do for free any day of the week … that isn’t work. That’s life” — that’s exactly what life should look like.

    We spend way too much of our lives working hard doing the things that we think we have to do and this becomes our life.

    This is not the way it was meant to be. Life is meant to have purpose and to be fulfilling each and every day.
    David | Listen Feel Breathe recently posted..Probortunity – how to see the opportunity

    • Oh David ~ if only we could all fulfill this every day. I find that I can work toward it. I can continue taking steps that get me closer to that place of peace. Some days it’s easier than others. Some days I think I’ve got it and others, I understand that the journey is what it’s all about.

      I’m living and learning. Thank you so much for stopping by! It’s great to meet you!
      :) Jane
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..So Close We Can Almost Touch It

  4. Love the straight forwads simplicity of this Jane, I really like your style. I used to be a professional tennis coach and always taught that the last point was the hardest to win – i.e. you are nearly there but may have to work harder than before to complete victory. But the prize is right in front of you so hold on and hang tough. Be well Jane and blessed.
    John Sherry recently posted..Being Extraordinary Means Just Simply Being YOU!

    • Okay, John Sherry … I’m hanging tough. It’s a week for hanging tough, but I’m up for the challenge!

      I’ve got alot of good stuff on my plate, and a beautiful circle of people who support me.

      One of the things I find so exciting about this process is that I’m not sure I’ll ever win that last point. I’m not sure I’ll ever be at 40-Love, hoping to score and finish the match. It’s exciting to think that no matter what I accomplish, no matter how great we each feel when we get where we think we’re going … there’s always something exciting and wonderful just around the bend.

      Take good care, John, and thanks for stopping by :)
      Jane Rochelle recently posted..So Close We Can Almost Touch It

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