Don’t you love it when you stop by your favorite coffee shop and they start your drink before you even get to the counter? Some days that just puts me over the top!
I stopped by my favorite coffee shop on the way to work this morning. A relatively new employee eagerly took my order, and then quickly said, “I knew that … but somehow you’re like a chameleon. Each time you change your outfit, I can’t quite recognize you.”
I laughed and smiled. I feel much like a chameleon, so why should I expect others to see me any other way?
Feeling less torn than I used to, I allow myself to shift and change as easily as possible, one scale at a time I suppose, as needed, to suit my role at the moment.
In a given day my colors change from just being Jane, who wakes up missing her family every morning, to being consumed by fractions and geometry in my day job of making math tests, to incense and candles as I provide Healing Touch sessions in the evenings. I squeeze in time for my own self-care, and I’m working hard these days to discern my path incorporating all of this, and so very much more.
There are a moments when I feel completely authentic, when I’m living my passion, and making a true difference in this world. The rest of the time … yes, I am a chameleon.
If we meet on the street sometime and you can’t recognize me, take heart, one day soon my new skin will fit just right, and I’m pretty sure it will be the perfect shade of pink.
Take good care, and thanks for stopping by today …
Thank you gunjankarun for the photo.
Jane you are perfect and lovely all the time. Change as you wish and enjoy it all! xoxo
Thanks Tess ~ you’re the best❣
Jane Rochelle recently posted..The Coffee Shop Chameleon
Jane, I love this! “If we meet on the street sometime and you can’t recognize me, take heart, one day soon my new skin will fit just right, and I’m pretty sure it will be the perfect shade of pink.” Yes it can be fun to have several sides to oneself – yet I also know the feeling of evolving into the complete life I desire and therefore not being “100% there” or as you say, “one day soon my new skin will fit just right.” I too am in that transition and loved reading your perspective.
Aileen | Kaizen Vision recently posted..Take Control of Your Finances in 7 Kaizen Steps
Aileen ~ I love the way we’ve traveled this journey together … you’re always a lovely and peaceful inspiration, adding a spectrum of color to my scales ♥
Jane Rochelle recently posted..The Coffee Shop Chameleon
Beautiful–as are you. I,too, identify with the chameleon. There are parts of that identity I cherish. As you say, as long as I am feeling my Passion. In some ways, all the skins are authentic; the difficulty is in any fear–fear of what others think, fear of being judged, fear of confrontation.
~ all colors are real … some just feel better than others. Thanks for stopping by Edrie … see you soon ♥
Jane Rochelle recently posted..The Coffee Shop Chameleon
Jane, we are a work in progress our entire lives. Isn’t this journey fun?! Thank you so much for your help and support last weekend.
Hi Amy ~ I just saw this comment … sorry I’m just replying! You’re such a gift, and I’m so grateful that our paths crossed … again. :) Love the way you embrace the journey!