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Category: bits and pieces

Are you in a state of growth, or a state of decline?

Stepping out of the shower this morning I suddenly realized that we are each much like a house.

Without caring for details, maintenance, repairs, tidiness … a house is in decay.  Though the decline is so gradual we may not even notice it, a house does not remain the same day after day. Bit by bit, it is weakened, without care and attention.

And so for us, there is no neutral.  We do not remain the same.  We are either improving or in decline, bit by bit.

We make choices each day that leave us in a state of growth or in a state of decline.

Care for your body, mind, and soul, dear one.  Do teeny tiny things that bring you a step forward, rather than leave you to the mercy of the elements.

There is no neutral … and perhaps the irony is that getting still, and being present, is a pretty powerful way to move forward.

Take good care,


(PS ~ I took some time to clear the prickly gumballs from my path this week.  Somehow this always makes me happy.  Here’s a re-post from the morning I cleared my path, and made a space to move forward, in 2011)

I’d love to hear from you … please do leave a comment, or hop over to my facebook page @Jane Barefoot Rochelle.  I’d love to see you there.

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