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Teeny Tiny Pieces Posts

A Simple Guide to Embracing Opportunity

photo by only sequel

Much of the eastern United States has received record-breaking snows this winter.  Every day or two I hear someone say how sick they are of winter, and how ready they are for spring.   I think about how I’ve spent my time this winter.  I’ve done my fair share of drinking hot chocolate and lazing in front of the fire, but I’ve also spent time  learning about cooking, writing, and painting.  I’m reminded of artists in remote areas, who spend the winter months on their craft, building up inventory in preparation for the art shows and tourists that return to nearby cities in the springtime.

In the winter of life, we may be working toward something that we anticipate in our springtime…a new hobby, a new job, a new city.  Maybe during the winter you’ve pondered new relationships, ideas, or opportunities.  Perhaps you’ve even taken some action on them, and now it’s time to do some more growing.  Emerging from winter, whether it has lasted for weeks, months, or years, into the fresh start of spring is very exciting.

The long, dark nights are giving way to the morning light of spring.  Days are getting longer and warmer.  I’m delighted to once again be awakened in the morning by the birds singing in my back yard and the sunlight through the window.  Time is coming for us to wiggle out of our cocoons and see what this new season has to offer!

Allow yourself to be delighted by this opportunity to grow, just as you’re delighted by the crocus popping up through the snow.   Know that just as our creator gives us the gifts of beautiful flowers and fresh spring grass, the growth you’re seeking, the gifts you’re hoping for, will be just as magnificent.

Allow yourself to be open to possibilities…invite them in.  I’m quite certain that my human capacity to create could never in a million years have come up with something as amazing as our existence here on this earth…so why should I limit the possibilities in my life to what I can dream up.  Be open, and allow your journey to unfold before you.

Allow yourself to be quiet-enough to recognize the changes a new season brings.  I sometimes wonder how many opportunities I’ve missed because I didn’t even notice they were there.  Crawl out from under your quilt and see how great the sunshine feels.

We have endured the long, cold winter so that we can more fully appreciate the warmth of springtime.  Soon the daffodils will be blooming.  Don’t allow them to come and go un-noticed!  Grab a handful while they last!  The springtime of your opportunity awaits!

Thanks to only sequel for the beautiful picture!