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Tag: feeling stuck

You’re okay, love, right where you are


There are uncomfortable days … when we stand in the middle of a room, unsure of what’s next.  Even with our growing list of things to do, somehow nothing feels right, and we realize that we’re stuck.

Stuck for a moment, for a day, for month after agonizing month.  Just stuck.

Sometimes we give ourselves permission to be okay with that, with some certainty that it will pass, and all will be well after a a little nap, or tomorrow, or after the holidays have passed.  Sometimes we have no idea how to move … no idea how to take the next step, the next breath, how to do the next right thing.

Sometimes we have someone who gives us permission to be okay, right where we are … today, this moment.  She tells us that we have permission to not feel, to not be motivated, to not feel creative, to not want to do that thing we ‘should’ do.  She gives us permission to just sit, just rest, just close our eyes and wait for the light to shine again.

Maybe she’s there with us, in a cozy coffee shop.  Maybe she’s at the other end of the phone.  Maybe she’s in our heart … words that bubble up from beloved memories.

Maybe the voice simply comes from deep within your spirit.  Maybe, once we’ve stripped away all pretense, all desire, envy, and perceived inadequacy, our soul finds enough space to say “you are okay, love, right where you are … no matter what … just be there”.

… and at-least for this moment, it’s true, and you are okay, and there’s nothing more you need to do.

With biggest love,