When we have resources ~ life is easier.
When we have extra money to get us out of a pinch, to buy supper, to pay a debt-collector … when we have a loving family to turn to for advice, for love and support … when we have a secure home, and sunlight shining in our windows … when we know that we are safe.
When we have a job that pays all of our bills, and then some … when our children have more than enough to eat … when we can go to the doctor any time we’re sick.
When we practice mindfulness and yoga, because it makes us feel good, and keeps us on the up side of the down days … life is easier.
The divide grows wider. From the time this land was claimed by those who were not native … from the time they called it ‘ours’ … there was ours and theirs. Those who have, and those who have not. Those who deserve, and those who deserve nothing. Those who will perpetually have more, and those who will fall into decline … somehow, good God only knows how … making do with what’s left … with what they’re alotted … with the land, the resources, the pay … what little, someone has decided they’re worthy of.
Pain intensifies until those who have abundant resources can remember compassion, love, honor, generosity, human dignity, charity ~ until those who have abundant resources remember that land is power. Greed and ignorance destroyed Native American and African villages, so that those who had abundance could have still more. Along with the villages social structure, dignity, traditions, history, pride, education, and community were all destroyed, as well.
Until those who have abundantly can remember ~ the wounds are red, and hot, and festering … yearning, begging, pleading for relief.
Prayers for conscious remembering ~