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Is Something Prickly In Your Way? Take Time To Clear Your Path.

I’ve been doing some EFT work recently on clearing my path.  Gaining an understanding of where I want to go and, in my mind’s eye, moving away obstacles that get in the way.

This morning I was out in the yard for my grounding time.  Generally I walk in circles ~ counter-clockwise allows letting go, and clockwise allows gathering.  I began with clockwise circles, barefoot, in the fresh, moist morning grass.  Within a few steps I stepped on a gumball … yeowch, my feet are not as tough as they were when I ran in the woods barefooted all summer long … and then a few steps later, I stepped on another.

I’ve been tolerating these prickly little things for some time now … even through the soft leather moccasins I wear on cold mornings.

… “moving away obstacles that get in the way”

Why not?  I decided that each time my foot came across a gumball, I’d remove it from my path.  My morning grounding would be much more pleasant, with fewer distractions.  A clearer path for today, and for the coming days.

Soon, I was stopping with each step or two, gently gathering the gumball, and tossing it into the nearby natural area. There were many.  I was surprised to see that with each gumball I picked up, I felt more empowerment, more peace, no frustration.  I sensed that it didn’t matter how many there would be.  Had there been a thousand, I think I would have picked up each of them with the same gentle knowing ~ you are in my path, little gumball, so I’ll just move you over there and we’ll be both be happy.

Some of the gumballs were embedded in the dirt, tangled in the grass … they presented no frustration, they just took an extra few seconds to gently pry loose with my fingers.  They were moved aside, almost as easily as the rest.

My path was smooth, and I’d tossed many gumballs in the natural area, so I decided I was ready to move counter-clockwise.  I thought that the path would remain clear and easy, and that I no longer needed to watch where I stepped ~ oops, there was another, and another …. many more gumballs, many more obstacles to toss away.

Most of the gumballs  are gone now.  I know that tomorrow morning I don’t need to worry about whether I will step on those particular gumballs.  Sure, more may have fallen by then, and maybe I’ll go out to find something new, and completely unexpected in my path.

I understand now that I can slow down and take the time to remove my obstacles.  When I do this my path becomes more clear, I don’t need to look down, I can look up and enjoy the sunshine and the birds’ song.  I can walk freely, with direction and with an open heart.

I was tickled to see that when I went back outside, and put the gumballs on the bottom step of my deck to take a picture, my footprint remained from the wet grass, and a little green weed is in the bottom of the picture ~ all is well.

My prayer is that we’ll each  slow down enough to toss our gumballs aside ~

Take good care, and I’m so very grateful that you’re here today ~


PS ~ Rosemary, at finding1sself discovered that removing harsh self-judgment can be like removing a thorn … opening her path to self-love.  Click here to visit Rosemary’s post :)

What obstacles are in your path?  Can you think of a way you can clear some of them today?  Wellness and hugs to you ~